You are aware that Putin amassed between 180,000 and 200,000 forces along the border because Ukraine had amassed nearly half of its combined military might, 300,000 , on the river separating western Ukraine from Russian-speaking easter Ukraine in preparation to invade its own country, murder its own citizens as a “final solution” to put down the rebellion that broke out after the US inspired coup ousted a Russia-friendly Ukrainian government and installed its chosen one, right? Putin had refused to aid the rebels in spite of their pleas for help as the Ukraine government’s NeoNazi military element had been firing artillery shells at their own people, killing roughly 8,000 of them. All this coupled with the American NeoCon unrelenting lust to bring Ukraine into NATO so they could establish military bases directly on the Russian border. In spite of all that I did not think Putin would respond by invading. Was massing 300,000 soldiers on the river with the intention to put down the rebellion a NATO-inspired plan to bait Russia into attacking? I don’t know. Maybe. Probably. If it was it worked like a charm, and now, months later, with thousands of innocent people killed, untold infrastructure damage and no end in sight, everything the NeoCons dreamed would happen has happened. Putin was a fool to invade, and considering the economic and social damage that has befallen the West because of the war, the West was foolish to listen to the clearly insane blood lusting NeoCons of the American security state. I have admitted my narrative that Putin would not invade, would not be lured into attacking by American-inspired shenanigans, was wrong. At what point will you admit that American involvement to get the whole thing started is real?