Something lefties are more deathly afraid of than AR15's - - Chicken sandwiches


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
University of Kansas Faculty Wants ‘Bastion of Bigotry’ Chick-fil-A Banned from Campus


The faculty council at the University of Kansas is calling for the removal of Chick-fil-A from campus by arguing that the company is a “bastion of bigotry.”

According to a local news report, a group of faculty members at the University of Kansas are upset about chicken sandwiches. More specifically, they are upset with the Chick-fil-A restaurant on their campus, which was recently moved to a more prominent location.

Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, was the subject of widespread criticism by leftists in 2012 when he came out against same-sex marriage legislation. “We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,” Cathy said in 2012. “And I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage is all about.”

Now, a letter from the faculty council at the University of Kansas makes the case that Chick-Fil-A’s values are incompatible with those held by the university. They specifically state their concern that the new Chick-fil-A location is near the university’s first gender-neutral bathrooms.

Despite our denouncements and the university’s own moves to increase the campus’s diversity, equity, and inclusion, KU granted Chick-fil-A, a bastion of bigotry, a prime retail location in the heart of our campus. The Union houses spaces that the KU community designates as safe and accepting—not least of which are the Office of Multicultural Affairs and the Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity. When the Memorial Union was first built, it featured segregated dining facilities. Over the past few decades, however, the building has become a crucial part of student life, accommodating dozens of student organizations and offices—all functioning to create an environment of academic, cultural, political, and social engagement for all KU students, staff and faculty, as well as numerous visitors to our campus. The Union was one of the first places on campus to incorporate gender inclusive bathrooms for the comfort and validation of the experiences and range of identities of the people who walk our halls. The arrival of Chick-fil-A in this building is insulting, counterproductive, and unacceptable.

Breitbart News reported in March that Cynthia Newman, the dean of the Rider College of Business, resigned from her position in protest of the university’s treatment of Chick-fil-A. Rider had previously announced that it would be banning Chick-Fil-A from campus due to the chain’s Christian values.
Will they even learn that all this does is:

  • Gives Chick-Fil-A lots of free publicity
  • Paints then in a bad light to the other side AND the legions of people who give exactly two craps about politics but are addicted to Chick-Fil-A
  • Makes them look like giblet heads.
The golden nugget for me was "They specifically state their concern that the new Chick-fil-A location is near the university's first gender-neutral bathrooms."

How terrifying! We have to protect the itty witty little babies that attend KU.
I remember when the Rev. Jackson suggested I steer clear of Texaco. I began filling my lease with Texaco only. And that was when I was a "professional tourist" and burning lotsa gas.

I wanna hear how Obamacare made AT&T (private market) snatch that health care away. I appreciate you responding to that, btw, you're gonna have hell now defending this anti-government viewpoint when you look at real world facts instead of spin.
At&T didn't detail their decision of 2013 to me. Retirees prior to 1992 were unaffected.

Spouse retired 2000. Early retirement. She worked for AT&T just out of high school while attending Baylor. Wencie retired 1993 and lost her benefit. She shifted to hubby's AT&T's policy who retired 2 years earlier. Wencie was saved.

Business owner son-in-law's Baylor Scott & White family plan doubled in 2015. Yes, doubled. No hyperbole. He was sure it was a misprint. It wasn't. Shopping around proved fruitless.

I know legions of Latinos. They like tax returns. Losing tax returns through Obamacare penalties is not fun for the Mexicanos.
I wanna hear how Obamacare made AT&T (private market) snatch that health care away. I appreciate you responding to that, btw, you're gonna have hell now defending this anti-government viewpoint when you look at real world facts instead of spin.
Why do you continue to bring up Obamacare and health care prices? It's a losing battle, as Obamacare raised my monthly premiums while increasing my deductible from $500 to $6000. Obama and his plan is a complete dumpster fire! Also, patients DIDN'T GET TO KEEP THEIR DOCTOR.

Do you even pay for your own health insurance? I have since 2011, and Obamacare is worthless. It was setup to lead to a single payer system.
I don’t care if Chick-fil-a worships the devil, they are the best run fast food restaurants in the world. Everyone is always so nice and polite. Maybe those Christian values are the foundation of their culture and that’s why they are so successful?
I don’t care if Chick-fil-a worships the devil, they are the best run fast food restaurants in the world. Everyone is always so nice and polite. Maybe those Christian values are the foundation of their culture and that’s why they are so successful?
Ding ding, we have a winner!

No one has ever had a successful business
that has, "We worship our dark master, Satan in all our endeavours", as part of a mission statement.

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