High Stick Harry,
Never knew you were such a fan of poseurs.
Because that's what I was criticizing, someone who basically "steals" something from someone else and tries to act like they invented it. Vanilla Ice could have just performed, without creating a completely fictional, self-invented, "tough guy" background for himself.
Pat Boone took something so creative and for the time "controversial" and watered it down to the point he turned it into elevator music. I guess you probably think Elvis was wrong for shooting the tv to show his disgust for Robert Goulet's weak sauce as well?
I think of that scene from Gran Torino, where Eastwood's character drives up to rescue the neighbor girl from the black thugs and has just as much disdain for the (in the character's words): " These guys don't want to be your bro, and I don't blame 'em. Now get your ofay paddy ass on down the road...." My original criticism is about phonies, but hey you go right on defending them, it's your thing apparently.
I should also note, that both the BET awards and NAACP Image awards have often had white nominees, including last years "best new artist" award which went to Sam Smith, a white guy who beat numerous black artists for the award.