I love this statement because it utterly misses Trump's own quote:
In his spare time, the President thoughtfully advised the French on fighting the fire in Notre Dame. What an embarrassment and fire experts say that his advice was wrong.
Trump stated in his tweet: "Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out". Everyone person seems to lose the 'perhaps' piece of this statement. The National media (night news) did the same thing and then use the tweet as a criticism.
I also have issue with his statement about 'protection of inefficient US firms'. I guess I missed that Chinese competition complies with EPA, OSHA, and a myriad of other regulatory bodies that cause costs to increase. If our government is going to put rules in that artificially drive up the cost of business, we better be willing to stand up and support those firms from undercutting by international companies that aren't subject to the same rules.