Soldiers In VietNam

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Developed what came to be called the “thousand yard stare,” knowing danger could be a thousand yards away. It became natural to those intent on surviving, one glance and you knew which ones had it and which ones didn’t. I swear I see many residents of Marthas Vineyard have developed the thousand yard stare in record time. You can see them searching for brown skinned people behind every well cultivated bush on their property as they exit their compoud. The speed with which they learned to use it is quite impressive. It must have been truely horrifying for them to see all those brown faces surrounding them. It may take months, even years, before they feel safe from potential future invasions. I bet they have the National Guard on permanent Red Alert status.
Sad sad the globalists sent those young innocent Americans - and Vietnamese to fight a fake war all to kill off many military aged men and fuel the money arm MIC to line their pockets and give them war time powers.

Much like one of My employees got him so worked up he was ready to go fight Putin this time around- our fake news TVs are the virus- had him ready to go fight for the money laundering And child trafficking scum thinking that was the good guy.

Born on the 4th of July is a great one to see how they took his Patriotic pride and had him go kill other innocent men all just as a pawn for the deep state Cabal- then he was left in a wheelchair for remainder of life his life ruined like hundreds of thousands or more- the cabal doesn't care about anyone but it's sick twisted power and greed whore selves