So what's protocol at high school football game shootings?


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Oct 14, 2018
Just drop like these guys and hope someone shoots the shooter, or maybe they all run for the nearest exit until they locate the shooter? What do ya'll think the standard response should be? Looks like we're needing to get some strategy down for this, too.

Assume this is a gun free zone?
Amen. I generally don't worry about getting shot at high school football games because all of our stadiums have these at the entrances:

So what's protocol at high school football game shootings?

Same as it is for stabbings?
So what's protocol at high school football game shootings?

Same as it is for stabbings?

I'm thinking elevated guard/sniper towers, maybe one in each end zone should have a pretty good field of fire.

Edit: Maybe flank the field goal posts so if there's a miss wide the ball bounces off the tower or turret?
It’s God damned heartbreaking what’s happened to the country I grew up in. It wasn’t like this back in the day. It will never be the same again.
Several years ago, when my son was playing High School Football, we had to play a Fort Worth inner city school in the playoffs. We were told to make sure we got to the game early in order to have enough time to go through the metal detectors. Every person that entered the stadium, including coaches and players, were required to go through metal detectors before they were allowed to enter the stadium.
I remember thinking how sad it was that was a requirement but once we were there I was shocked to see about 50 fans on the Fort Worth side versus a couple of thousand and standing room only on our side of the feild. I felt terrible for the kids on the Fort Worth school team. Showed me the problem with some of these schools is the lack of support from the parents and the community.

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