So, these ads from HRC seem incredibly misguided

and reinforce the message some of have been stating - that she is such a poor candidate (there is NO DOUBT she is poor, the question is only about degree):

That really came across as pro Trump to me. The criticism of him has mainly been is he really a conservative and will he really do these things?? Hillary sure thinks so. That's better for him than a Cruz endorsement.
I sort of liked this comment....

"Trump will battle the Clinton Crime Family boldly on all fronts and at all times and at this he will not flag nor fail. He will never succumb to the siren call of the Clinton's propaganda ministers that will permeate the television waves, nor to the cowering fear of the GOPe to do battle. He will not bargain with the Clinton Crime Family and its propaganda ministers and gutter rats. He will not try to reason with them as the Clinton Crime Family and its gaggle of lying lackeys and deranged dingbats will grant no quarter to him and if they can, they will destroy him and his family and all of America without remorse.

Trump will follow the Queen of Crime to the inmost recesses of her mind and make her fear and dread the very sight and sound of him. Trump will never let up and he will make the Queen of Crime's fear of him permeate her thoughts from when she first rises very late in the morning until she passes out early in the evening where she will have only a short respite in between her waking nightmares as her day of final reckoning approaches. Trump will make the witch howl. She may beg Obama's AG to indite her and send her to prison just so she can escape him."
As a lefty, I find this ad really disheartening. It is pretty clear, Hillary is trying to peel off moderate Republicans. She is aiming for a center right center left coalition to win the GE rather than a center left, left coalition that would require reconciling with the Berners.

That really came across as pro Trump to me. The criticism of him has mainly been is he really a conservative and will he really do these things?? Hillary sure thinks so. That's better for him than a Cruz endorsement.
It is only pro-Trump if you thought Trump was insufficiently conservative. He already won the primary. It is important to remember that you aren't the median voter, or even the median republican.
As a lefty, I find this ad really disheartening. It is pretty clear, Hillary is trying to peel off moderate Republicans. She is aiming for a center right center left coalition to win the GE rather than a center left, left coalition that would require reconciling with the Berners.

It is only pro-Trump if you thought Trump was insufficiently conservative. He already won the primary. It is important to remember that you aren't the median voter, or even the median republican.

Don't you think the best way to try to frame Trump is that he IS the Republican party of 2016, rather than repeat what every Republican had to say negative about him?
Yes, but I contra-HRC believe in things besides becoming president at all costs.

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