So the first full trailer is out for Girl-Ghostbusters...

Wigg, McCarthy and Kate McKinnon are all hilarious, so I figured if they had a good script this movie would be OK. That did looked pretty bad though.
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I didn't even know this project existed until today.

The very premise greatly offends my long-lost 15yo self... My current self is just annoyed.

And completely disinterested in seeing it.
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I find the chicks funny and the people making it have a good track record. I will see it at some point. I can't imagine why this actually offends people in the world. It is the Ghostbusters not the bible.
I can only speak for myself. It doesn't offend me; I just think it will be incredibly $h!tty.

Yeah it very well might be. I wasn't really talking about people on here so much. There just seems to be a lot of anger in the world towards this that I don't understand. It is the damn Ghostbusters. It is not like they are remaking the Godfather here.
Yeah it very well might be. I wasn't really talking about people on here so much. There just seems to be a lot of anger in the world towards this that I don't understand. It is the damn Ghostbusters. It is not like they are remaking the Godfather here.
Who would you cast in a female version of the Godfather?
The trailer should include "New York Times calls this epic remake Hot Garbage"
Wigg, McCarthy and Kate McKinnon are all hilarious, so I figured if they had a good script this movie would be OK. That did looked pretty bad though.

I too think Wiig, McCarthy and McKinnon are three of the funniest females going today, but after seeing that preview last night with the wifey, we have no interest in seeing what looks like a dud. I hope the movie is funnier than the previews because the previews sucked.
Looks like your standard, unimaginative "reboot." That's Hollywood today.

I made a voyage last weekend to see a 70mm print of 2001 on a 45-foot screen.

We're in a free-fall.
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I too think Wiig, McCarthy and McKinnon are three of the funniest females going today, but after seeing that preview last night with the wifey, we have no interest in seeing what looks like a dud. I hope the movie is funnier than the previews because the previews sucked.
I think the problem is the type of humor. These three chicks are very funny, but the original ghostbusters was more dry, subtle humor.
I think the problem is the type of humor. These three chicks are very funny, but the original ghostbusters was more dry, subtle humor.

Since my sense of humor is more dry I have a special appreciation and affinity for the original.

Plus, in general, I'm not a fan of reboots. Star Trek has been a notable exception but otherwise I have not been impressed with most efforts.
Sign me up for the all female version of the Godfather, that would be hilariously bad :)
Ok it was kinda cute. Yes, was pretty much a total rehash. Everyone but Rick Moranis (retired) and Harold Ramis (dead) has a cameo. Yes, everyone.

To be fair, was a bazillion times better than Ghostbusters 2.
And speaking of sequels, it makes it pretty evident at the end of the movie they expect to make more.

And Thor is flipping hilarious as a dumbass.

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