So is Dabo a racist, too?

well, he did quit the team. Tough call but I understand dabo and his point.
He quit the team, sorry no participation Trophy for you. What if the starter had been hurt? He jeopardized the ability of the team to win at high level by leaving. He thought of himself first, not the team. I am not criticizing him for leaving either, absolutely his right, but you can not have it both ways. Either you want to be a part of the team and invest all you have to make the team as successful as possible, or you decide personal goals are more important than team goals and leave, no biggie. Look at the way Jalen Hurts handled it, evidently he felt it was important enough to him to remain as a part of the team. To each their own, to the victors go the spoils, not participation trophies.
He played during their national title season and graduated. He absolutely deserves a ring.

Lol yeah, a quitter deserves a Ring because he graduated? Good grief. I guess if a player gets kicked off a team for rules violations deserves a ring too even if he graduated?
If you are not on a team when said team wins any kind of Champiomship then you don't deserve a ring. Sounds like the Participation Trophy bs.
He played during their national title season and graduated. He absolutely deserves a ring.

He left on his own volition and thus wasn't there when the reward was earned. If he was 'traded', like the pros are, then I'd support him getting a ring. But this was his decision, and frankly, its a good opportunity to learn that decisions have trade-offs/consequences.
He played during their national title season and graduated. He absolutely deserves a ring.

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