So is Congress in DC to much or not often enough?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2002
I have seen two schools of thought lately about Congress and how much they work. On one had you have people yelling about how much 'vacation time' they get, and on the other you have people saying they don't spend enough time in their home state; going as far as accusing some people of not even living in their district and making a claim that they shouldn't be able to run for office in that district. (can remember what state this happened in lately)

I'm torn on this one, because I want them in DC working and voting on bills, but at the same time they need to be in their home district talking to the people that they actually represent. With the technology that we have do you think we should have a remote voting system?

I do think there is a misconception that when Congress breaks for recess that they go on vacation, well I'm sure some do, but there are people that work during recess.

What do you guys think?
Originally posted by OSUIvan:
I have seen two schools of thought lately about Congress and how much they work. On one had you have people yelling about how much 'vacation time' they get, and on the other you have people saying they don't spend enough time in their home state; going as far as accusing some people of not even living in their district and making a claim that they shouldn't be able to run for office in that district. (can remember what state this happened in lately)

I'm torn on this one, because I want them in DC working and voting on bills, but at the same time they need to be in their home district talking to the people that they actually represent. With the technology that we have do you think we should have a remote voting system?

I do think there is a misconception that when Congress breaks for recess that they go on vacation, well I'm sure some do, but there are people that work during recess.

What do you guys think?
One of the few things that Texas has done that is great is the state legislature only meets every other year. Keeps them from screwing things up and they only vote on things that really matter. I don't think this would work for DC, but is one point of view.
Too much. Need to be in DC only long enough to accomplish the government's business. Too much free time in DC
gives lobbyists too much easy access.
Repeal the 17th amendment and let the state legislatures appoint Senators like was originally set up. Make all Congressmen and Senators vote on pay increases and benefits on April 15. Make it be recorded votes and make them vote for the increases rather than having them automatic unless voted down. Make it so they can only vote if they have passed a budget for that year otherwise their pay and benefits are frozen until the next year's budget cycle.
Originally posted by OSUIvan:
I have seen two schools of thought lately about Congress and how much they work. On one had you have people yelling about how much 'vacation time' they get, and on the other you have people saying they don't spend enough time in their home state; going as far as accusing some people of not even living in their district and making a claim that they shouldn't be able to run for office in that district. (can remember what state this happened in lately)

I'm torn on this one, because I want them in DC working and voting on bills, but at the same time they need to be in their home district talking to the people that they actually represent. With the technology that we have do you think we should have a remote voting system?

I do think there is a misconception that when Congress breaks for recess that they go on vacation, well I'm sure some do, but there are people that work during recess.

What do you guys think?
Not me..

I have said this several times and maybe it is stupid and that is why no one had addressed it, but...

For the most part every bill they pass makes us less and less free. I wish they were not there and did not get paid like they do and that would do us a lot more good IMO.
Their staffs need to be reducded by at least 1/2 and they need to be there less..dare I say maybe even part-time while holding real jobs the rest of the time. Our biggest problem is they are all professional politicans now and their whole pandering existance is to continue to fleece the normal folks while becoming millionaires and staying elected.

If they spend more than 250 days in DC they would not be considered residents of the state they allegedly serve and would be ineligable for re-election. Bring back the 17th amendment as someone else said, and they are subject to all the laws and whims they make the normal tax paying folks subject to.
Any legislation they pass they are subject to. No being exempted while the citizens are not. All must travel on commercial transportation. No more big jets for Pelosi and family or anyone else. For every new bill passed two old bills have to be repealed. No more using archaic hundred year old laws to impose political agendas. All laws would have sunset provisions. If the law is needed beyond its sunset time pass it again but repeal two other laws.

Repeal Obamacare and open the federal health care system to every citizen at the same prices and benefits as federal workers get. Eliminate special hospital wings at military hospitals for Senators and Congressmen. They can be in wards or rooms like everyone else.
Originally posted by OSUIvan:
I have seen two schools of thought lately about Congress and how much they work. On one had you have people yelling about how much 'vacation time' they get, and on the other you have people saying they don't spend enough time in their home state; going as far as accusing some people of not even living in their district and making a claim that they shouldn't be able to run for office in that district. (can remember what state this happened in lately)

I'm torn on this one, because I want them in DC working and voting on bills, but at the same time they need to be in their home district talking to the people that they actually represent. With the technology that we have do you think we should have a remote voting system?

I do think there is a misconception that when Congress breaks for recess that they go on vacation, well I'm sure some do, but there are people that work during recess.

What do you guys think?
This would be a fair quandry if they were spending their non-DC time in their homestates working for their constituents. Instead, they are working for their lobbyists who are hosting their next fundraiser.

Originally posted by inspoke:

Too much. Need to be in DC only long enough to accomplish the government's business. Too much free time in DC
gives lobbyists too much easy access.
This is really a vipers den of competing interests that only have merit in the financial and political dimensions.

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