So Hard to Believe Anyone Would Make Up Charges

gee, who would have thought. I made a bull$ is 99% of these allegations and the whole mueller crap. there is not enough penalty for this moron. after that skinny lying dog eatin' floppy eared muslim left office he completely corrupted almost every agency in dc...well, he took them over the edge. he has tried to emulate the chicago thuggery and just cut and pasted his way through everything.
gee, who would have thought. I made a bull$ is 99% of these allegations and the whole mueller crap. there is not enough penalty for this moron. after that skinny lying dog eatin' floppy eared muslim left office he completely corrupted almost every agency in dc...well, he took them over the edge. he has tried to emulate the chicago thuggery and just cut and pasted his way through everything.

Damn, tell us what you really think about the Kenyan jug-f*cker!:D
Calling for a criminal investigation of a guy who may have violated federal law is Grassley shaking pom poms?

No wonder you supported Clinton. And still live with your parents.

Did you approve of Republicans (Grassley is committee chairman) withholding documents from committee democrats until just before the hearing? Remember you were talking about ethics and responsibility before. Or is the game just OK

Pom Poms posts are so hot right now lol
Apparently that’s how you have taught your daughters to react to Sexual assault. Hilarious. :p
Really? Because I didn't teach her that people are a big monolith that can be summed up by a cartoon? Weird.....
Are you outing medic with his kids names? Are you guys friends off this board? If that doesn’t get somebody banned then this really is a cesspool board.
Yes, he is and no, I don't know him. But it's clear he doesn't know my daughters either. I'm assuming he's just an internet stalker.

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