Originally posted by Ostatedchi:
Originally posted by tcpoke:
Where the hell do you guys live that you are so concerned about someone breaking into your home with the intent to do harm to you and your family?
I'm all for guns. I own four. But they are all locked up in a gun safe far from the reach of my bed. Being assaulted in my home is way down the list for me in terms of fears.
Having the pistol by the bed is just like buying car insurance or home owners insurance. You hope you never have to use it. But when you need it, you better have prepared. I agree with you that the likelihood is way down on the list of bad things that could happen to me.
That's why I compromised and got a safe I could get into quickly and was close at hand. My shotguns and rifles are in the other room stored separately from any ammo. But I wanted something 'just in case'. But, I believe keeping loaded handguns away from children was critical.
I think I struck a good balance between ease of access and safety. Which is my duty as a responsible gun owner.