general sjw pearl clutching thread
theres real people dealing with real injustice
this tool leads it off
theres real people dealing with real injustice
this tool leads it off
Is that any different than not buying Nikes?
Nope. Not really.Is that any different than not buying Nikes?
More like a cousin instead of a twin.Is that any different than not buying Nikes?
general sjw pearl clutching thread
theres real people dealing with real injustice
this tool leads it off
Could end up being quite costly to Nike.
Is that any different than not buying Nikes?
Surprised he went to Starbucks since Schultz is running for President but is not an uber-leftist.Poor guy. Looks like he had to walk about two blocks to find another Starbucks.
Surprised he went to Starbucks since Schultz is running for President but is not an uber-leftist.
Come on man. If your beef is with Dick Sporting Goods buying your Nikes from Finish Line is a good move.Actually given that its a Starbucks in Trump Tower, and assuming they aren't franchises but all part of the parent SBUX corp, then does it matter which Starbucks he buys it from? He's still choosing to purchase his product from the company that does business with Donald Trump. Its like ranting about Nikes at Dick Sporting Goods and going down the street to buy the same Nikes from The Finish Line. You still bought Nikes.
Geez, cut the man some slack. We've seen what entering MAGA country will do to a man. Poor guy will be having his friends put a rope on his neck, splash bleach on him, scratch his cheek, and then he'll file a police report and cry and talk about how tough he is on national TV. Why would you wish that fate on anyone?general sjw pearl clutching thread
theres real people dealing with real injustice
this tool leads it off
The six year old that made those shoes deserves a time-out
New groups formed? Or were previously existing groups reclassified as hate groups? I can't do twitter at work so can't follow the link, but that answer would generate significantly different perspectives of the published stat.
New groups formed? Or were previously existing groups reclassified as hate groups? I can't do twitter at work so can't follow the link, but that answer would generate significantly different perspectives of the published stat.
If someone tweeted a picture of themselves not buying nikes it would be.
New groups formed? Or were previously existing groups reclassified as hate groups? I can't do twitter at work so can't follow the link, but that answer would generate significantly different perspectives of the published stat.
What about pictures/videos of people burning their Nikes? Closer or further away?
Can I get a ruling on each of these as fascist @Syskatine ?
- Family values
- International banking
- Free speech rally
- PC culture
Is that any different than not buying Nikes?