Similar to the accent thread, but I've noticed


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Edmond, OK
The last 6 months or so that I've been kinda rolling my R's at times.

Not like a big Hispanic type R like if you exaggerated the Spanish word arriba but just a slight change in my dialect.

I have noticed the same in my middle brother for a couple of years.

It's started to bother me because my 13 year old now notices and gives me crap when she catches it.

I've often judged people who I feel have intentionally changed the way they talk whether it be prematurely taking on a heavy Chicago accent after a few years there and a lifetime in Oklahoma, or someone who changes the way they talk based on groups they are with or situations they are in.

So here I am now judging myself thinking others may think the same about me and wondering why this is happening?

It's honestly concerning me. Am I picking it up from my brother subconsciously and is it some kind of psychological thing? Or is it genetic and or do things like that actually happen with age?

I don't normally over analyze or care about stuff like this but given its a change I notice but feel is out of my control, it's really irritating the cRap out of me. That's one of the words I seem to get caught on. Crap, Great, grandma. Anything with R as the second letter.

Either out me completely at ease or terrorize the shit out of me over this. I don't want any inbetween BS. I didn't waste 5 minutes of precious phone time on the shitter with you guys to get non opinions.
You are shallow asshole on the sub-conscience level who is laying the foundation for hemroid surgery by typing what should be a semi queer diary entry and putting it on the internets while sitting gaped over a public toilet.
So you sound like a retarded Puerto Rican? You know, where the rolled "R" also has somewhat of an "L" in it some freaking how?
You are shallow asshole on the sub-conscience level who is laying the foundation for hemroid surgery by typing what should be a semi queer diary entry and putting it on the internets while sitting gaped over a public toilet.

That is outright inaccurate and offensive.

I am thoroughly disgusted that you would even have the gall to suggest that I was using a public toilet.

I was at my buddy's house, gaping over his private toilet. #nohomo
That is outright inaccurate and offensive.

I am thoroughly disgusted that you would even have the gall to suggest that I was using a public toilet.

I was at my buddy's house, gaping over his private toilet. #nohomo
I think it's comical that you honestly believe any of your friends would let you use their bathroom.
Friends in Central and South America make fun of me because they say I sound like a Mexican. When I say, "No, I'm Texican." They know exactly what I mean, but they still laugh at me. If I use Mexican slang, they shake their heads and say, "F'n Mexicans."

I have a Saudi in class who speaks some Spanish and sometimes we understand each other better in Spanish than English. His buddy who sits next to him coughed and sneezed all the way through an exam today. He kept telling me the guy had bought a car. I didn't get it. Finally he said, "He got dos gatos." I laughed.

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