Silence on Justin Fairfax

First......people should take this accuser seriously and IMO he should be suspended until a complete investigation is completed, but, comparing this to Kavanaugh is apples and oranges..........When someone is before a committee, who's job is to make sure that person is fit for one of the most prestigious positions in the country, they need to be a thorough as possible, especially considering it is a lifetime appointment
I can't stand the hypocrisy of the Democrats but I don't think this man should lose his job based on an accusation.

Let's see if there is any real evidence not just unsubstantiated heresy like with Cavanaugh.
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First......people should take this accuser seriously and IMO he should be suspended until a complete investigation is completed, but, comparing this to Kavanaugh is apples and oranges..........When someone is before a committee, who's job is to make sure that person is fit for one of the most prestigious positions in the country, they need to be a thorough as possible, especially considering it is a lifetime appointment

I think you are missing the point. With Kavanaugh Democrats couldn't get to the camera fast enough to say they believed Ford before they ever hear a word or knew anything about the details. Now compare that behavior to how Democrats are reacting now. See any difference?
First......people should take this accuser seriously and IMO he should be suspended until a complete investigation is completed, but, comparing this to Kavanaugh is apples and oranges..........When someone is before a committee, who's job is to make sure that person is fit for one of the most prestigious positions in the country, they need to be a thorough as possible, especially considering it is a lifetime appointment

Saw how "believe the accuser" thing worked out for Keith Ellison, in Minnesota right. The fact is the whore media is simply in the pocket of the whore politicians mostly liberals/dems, so they run with almost anything they can to smear conservatives or people that have fallen out of favor. It is a double standard and should be very easy to see.

I'm of the school that credible accusations should be investigated. Don't care if it's my guy or your guy, but you can't hide behind a party, race or gender to determine what/who should be investigated or who shouldn't. This is why politicians are held is such utterly low regard, they hold party power in first, second and third place......truth, fairness and honesty are on the same depth to plankton that live in the deepest crevice's of the deepest parts of the ocean.
First......people should take this accuser seriously and IMO he should be suspended until a complete investigation is completed, but, comparing this to Kavanaugh is apples and oranges..........When someone is before a committee, who's job is to make sure that person is fit for one of the most prestigious positions in the country, they need to be a thorough as possible, especially considering it is a lifetime appointment

Bullshit. It’s pure hypocrisy because if the gov, lt gov and ag all go down, the seat goes to a republican. The end.
I think you are missing the point. With Kavanaugh Democrats couldn't get to the camera fast enough to say they believed Ford before they ever hear a word or knew anything about the details. Now compare that behavior to how Democrats are reacting now. See any difference?

Kamala Harris called for a full and complete investigation.

Republicans couldn’t get to the camera quick enough to discredit Kavanaugh’s accuser either....why the wait, not credible, she is getting paid, pictures of supposed pay offs on the Senate floor, etc.

Now compare that behavior to this scenario.

See any difference?

Both sides are playing the same old hypocritical games.

What else is new?
Republicans couldn’t get to the camera quick enough to discredit Kavanaugh’s accuser either....why the wait, not credible, she is getting paid, pictures of supposed pay offs on the Senate floor, etc.


We had plenty of posts just here quoting all the tweets and reports attacking her credibility.

And you know it.

Nobody has any high ground in either of these situations.

With regards to the AG accusations there should be a full and complete investigation and impeachment proceedings should commence upon those results.

With regards to the blackface morons, I don’t know if that is an impeachable offense under VA Constitution, but if I had any say in the situation I would encourage them to resign.
Kamala Harris called for a full and complete investigation.

Republicans couldn’t get to the camera quick enough to discredit Kavanaugh’s accuser either....why the wait, not credible, she is getting paid, pictures of supposed pay offs on the Senate floor, etc.

Now compare that behavior to this scenario.

See any difference?

Both sides are playing the same old hypocritical games.

What else is new?

i’ll tell you what’s new

feinstein sat on the allegations until they
were politically expedient

let’s not rewrite history
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We had plenty of posts just here quoting all the tweets and reports attacking her credibility.

And you know it.

Nobody has any high ground in either of these situations.

"And you know it?"

What's going on here JD? Evidently I don't "know it," hence my reaction. I can see you clearly communicated, but you and I aren't seeing the same things.
"And you know it?"

What's going on here JD? Evidently I don't "know it," hence my reaction. I can see you clearly communicated, but you and I aren't seeing the same things.

What’s going on here is you losing credibility in your criticism of leftist/progressive behavior in the public discourse compared to right.
What’s going on here is you losing credibility in your criticism of leftist/progressive behavior in the public discourse compared to right.


From you lately.... that critique amounts to roughly

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