Wow! That is a long reply!
1). You are mistaken in thinking you’re wasting your time trying to convince me of something. You are correct that you have not convinced me of anything yet. I would say that’s because you have said nothing convincing. But that does not mean I’m not open to persuasion. Besides, there are plenty of others on this board that might hear what you say and think you’ve made a good point. If you aren’t trying to make a persuasive argument then why argue? Just to hear yourself be full of bluster?
2). You most certainly made another charge. Your initial links had to do with hotel fees during the inauguration. I didn’t enter the conversation until well into the thread. And I only entered it because you kept harping on his betrayal of his fiduciary responsubility. I asked (actually I had to ask several times) for you to explain what those duties consisted of, and how did DJT betray them. Those were perfectly legitimate questions, but you dodged them for all you were worth. Finally I suppose you felt cornered and so you deflected to Arabs and GOP corruption. Never did you even attempt to defend your “fiduciary” charges. Instead you went on a tangent about Arabs and GOP corruption as regards the Russians, and posted a couple of links to opinion pieces that are over a year old. That was the action of a coward, sys (is that non-passive aggressive enough for you?).
3). I told you way back that I am far more interested in theory and philosophical
principles as they play out historically than the daily criminal activities of politicians. That's why I avoided this thread until you kept bellowing about “fiduciary responsibility,” but would never clarify. You STILL haven’t clarified! Is it because you didn’t know what you were talking about, and are embarrassed to be called out?
4). You claim to be an attorney. I would think an attorney would need very sharp debating skills. From that perspective you need a lot of work. If this is your style in front of a jury I would never want you advocating for me.
5). There. I’ve tried to be as insulting and non-passive aggressive as you seem to want me to be. Expect to be disappointed in the future. I detest rudeness. If you want to call my attempts at politeness and civility while strenuously disagreeing with you as being passive aggressive, be my guest. I don’t intend to change my style for you or anyone else.
1. Yes, it would be a waste of time. I'm not your tutor and I don't have the time to provide answers until a passive aggressive (and clumsy at that) moron is satisfied.
2. That you think you've found some juicy bone buried in parsing fiduciary duty amplifies #1.
3. It's almost as if I'm not taking a utopian anarchist seriously.
4. I'll bet you boycotted Hamilton.
5. You be you Dan, up until they take your driver's license, then try to fit in.
I've focused on the amount of a venue cost because you started this thread with the article. That's how the discussion began, it's simple. The article shows no evidence of being overcharged, pay for play, Ivanka negotiating the deal on behalf of Trump Hotels.
Alrighty. That's quite the spin of that article.
In my experience, greedy and crazy can't keep from being greedy and crazy. If the investigation into the inauguration clears him I'll be right here and admit I'm wrong. We'll see what happens if they uncover something.
You didnt answer my question, do you think there's a # that would suggest malfeasance?