

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Aug 19, 2003
I mentioned this briefly before, but the forecasts for this years elk harvest weren't pessimistic enough. This will be the worst elk and probably deer harvest in at least 10 years. One of my closest friends is the regional officer for CDOW and he predicted this early in the fall.

I met with th3 outgoing terrestrial biologist for the state and she said the same thing. COA said up to 70% of all big game hunters quit early this year.

I know dad and I hunted harder than we ever have in our lives for almost 9 straight days in country I know like the back of my hand just to see 7 cows and calves legal shooting light.

We watched two bulls heading to bed 2 hours before light, and we pushed 2 off of their bed, but that was it. Heat, moon, drought, and early pressure added to one tough year in Colorado. Success was on private and this year even more than usual.

Anyway, I know it was frustrating but your experience was the norm even among vets in the state. The only consolation is that we've strung together a few years of below average harvests. When the weather breaks one of these falls, it's going to be one for the books.
Originally posted by shortbus:
Thanks for the post.

Yeah there were a lot if locals complaining about the drought and the affects of it.

Sounds like it seriously affected the harvest in a lot of areas.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Through most of the Rocky Mountain West.
My brother, his father-in-law, and a few other guys set up an elk hunting camp every year somewhere in the wind river range not terribly far from DuBois.

My brother said they saw maybe 3 cows this year. Worst year any of them could remember. Not sure if a single guy even got a shot off.
2010 was down from 2009 by about 3%
2011 was down from 2010 by 9.5%
The estimate already is that harvest will be down from 2011 by up to 15% Just a huge number.

That is a gigantic drop over a 3 year period. The total harvest will probably fall under 40K
Any hunter that doesn't attribute a lot of success to luck hasn't been hunting enough.

Good for your buddy in a brutal year. I'd trade the hard work for blind luck anytime.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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