Shootings before Durham


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Kinda coincidence the distractions everytime the DS is about to get lit up. Just like Hillary spying and voila- Ukraine war. Now Durham and 2000 mules and here come some shootings.

Next they want to take your guns and you don't think they will fire up some terrorists
for some false flags? Pay a persons family for them to do one (Vegas) Guess again- they get to depopulate as they do it.

We are at war and we are losing bc the Normies think it's Ds v R's...bc they are Fox News drones and don't know Fox is a huge part of the DS- controlled opposition.... it's 100 percent a war and it's against a small percent Of uber rich demons that have more money than God - and want to literally take over The Earth bribing And black mailing - it's been ongoing for years but now they are out in the open and want to take the whole.....thing....down with them.
Maybe it's a big world with billions of people and stuff happens all the time.
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I would pay good money for Corndog and Scott to just sit in a locked room hashing it out. Of course there would be cameras for our entertainment.
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Maybe it's a big world with billions of people and stuff happens all the time.
Yes I'm sure that's it- couldn't be that a bunch of trillionaire demons and our 3 letter
Corrupt Entities Want you looking over there
I would pay good money for Corndog and Scott to just sit in a locked room hashing it out. Of course there would be cameras for our entertainment.
Bet you think 911 wasn't coordinated - Same
Day they found out 1 trillion was
Missing from the Bush Adm- I'm sure it was just some towel heads with box
Cutters that randomly trained
Here at our flight schools and happen to pull that off eh?
What does it say about our government when it is a possibility they did something like this? While I would like to think it would be impossible, the fact we've had our government do far worse makes it a possibility.
Just think Big global mafia led by our c..I...a shaking down other world leaders to capitulate and remember- mafias are sociopaths- they care nothing about anyone that doesn't help the cause
Bet you think 911 wasn't coordinated - Same
Day they found out 1 trillion was
Missing from the Bush Adm- I'm sure it was just some towel heads with box
Cutters that randomly trained
Here at our flight schools and happen to pull that off eh?
Not arguing any points. Just saying you both have such strong passion for your views and would be on opposite sides of 90% of arguments. Would be entertaining to watch.
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Kinda coincidence the distractions everytime the DS is about to get lit up. Just like Hillary spying and voila- Ukraine war. Now Durham and 2000 mules and here come some shootings.

Next they want to take your guns and you don't think they will fire up some terrorists
for some false flags? Pay a persons family for them to do one (Vegas) Guess again- they get to depopulate as they do it.

We are at war and we are losing bc the Normies think it's Ds v R's...bc they are Fox News drones and don't know Fox is a huge part of the DS- controlled opposition.... it's 100 percent a war and it's against a small percent Of uber rich demons that have more money than God - and want to literally take over The Earth bribing And black mailing - it's been ongoing for years but now they are out in the open and want to take the whole.....thing....down with them.

Think about how angry and hateful you are at everything from breakfast cereal to medical professionals, and ready to go postal. Who is to blame for that? You’re a complete nut job. I have reasonable confidence your local law enforcement is keeping an eye on you.
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Think about how angry and hateful you are at everything from breakfast cereal to medical professionals, and ready to go postal. Who is to blame for that? You’re a complete nut job. I have reasonable confidence your local law enforcement is keeping an eye on you.
But you take and push deadly poisonous shots made by Gates and Fauci- you really have the with all to call anyone a nut job? You lose everytime mask and shot wuss- but keep reaching
Kinda coincidence the distractions everytime the DS is about to get lit up. Just like Hillary spying and voila- Ukraine war. Now Durham and 2000 mules and here come some shootings.

Next they want to take your guns and you don't think they will fire up some terrorists
for some false flags? Pay a persons family for them to do one (Vegas) Guess again- they get to depopulate as they do it.

We are at war and we are losing bc the Normies think it's Ds v R's...bc they are Fox News drones and don't know Fox is a huge part of the DS- controlled opposition.... it's 100 percent a war and it's against a small percent Of uber rich demons that have more money than God - and want to literally take over The Earth bribing And black mailing - it's been ongoing for years but now they are out in the open and want to take the whole.....thing....down with them.
I don't trust the government and I certainly don't trust Democrats but blaming what that maniac kid did in Buffalo on a coordinated plan by some evil people is not a line I'm willing to cross. But go for it, it does have some entertainment value.
I don't trust the government and I certainly don't trust Democrats but blaming what that maniac kid did in Buffalo on a coordinated plan by some evil people is not a line I'm willing to cross. But go for it, it does have some entertainment value.
Well BLM if funded and encouraged by Soros who 100 percent is one of the head haunchos
Of the NWO high coordinates daily with our 3 letter Agencies- sure you don't already believe in this?

So the dude may have acted alone- but did his motivation NOT come from coordinated circles to motivate him to do? Is it possible him and other rioters are being paid?

I don't think you're that far off from what I'm saying- and I don't think it's a secret to anyone who has watched what has been going on last 2-3 years. Of course way before Corn was awake was the C..I ..A doing color revolutions in other countries- THATS SURELY KNOWN. So is it a reach to think the Vegas shooter, Wisconsin
Driver, other mass shootings were encouraged or paid by our corrupt as hell govt entities- really? You know the same ones that have put innocent patriots in prison for years without a trial bc they were WALKING THROUGH THE CAPITAL AFTER BEING ESCORTED IN?
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I don't trust the government and I certainly don't trust Democrats but blaming what that maniac kid did in Buffalo on a coordinated plan by some evil people is not a line I'm willing to cross. But go for it, it does have some entertainment value.
SAME govt flies in military aged illegals daily so the white man that like his sovereignty won't be the majority?

SAME govt that cancels pipelines and oil leases to wreck the economy?

SAME govt that extorts and robs
Citizens then launders said money through the Ukraine?

SAME govt that says a country has WOMD and doesn't just bc Their leader woukdnt capitulate to unkie sam henchmen?

SAME govt that pays farmers to plow under their crops to create
Famine to usher in a NWO?

Dude we're talking trillions of dollars yearly the Global Mafia extorts
From US citizens- you think that kind Of money doesn't Bring about some foul play?!
You support all that money going to the Nazi infested Ukraine do ya? Goes mostly into pockets of establishment Bureaucrats And elite POS but you're good with it? You're not the Cowturd for nothing

Corndog taking sides with the Buffalo shooter. I'm really not surprised.
I can’t wait to read cornflake’s manifesto. I bet it’s titled “mine cramps”.
Exactly. I worry about the safety of anyone who comes in contact with Corndog. The grocery store, the post office, schools, houses of worship...
Yeah bc your world Is going to be so rocked when everyone instead of about half the people understand how we've been lied to and
How wrong wrong you were to take poison shots and worship zelensky and the Military industrial complex - gutless sheeple drone
Ha you try to spin to make me look bad- you're so fake and so gutless -
My Lord how utterly gutless and desperate you are.

OK then, here is your chance to condemn the Buffalo mass-murderer. Go…
OK then, here is your chance to condemn the Buffalo mass-murderer. Go…
He's a POS BLM racist that I'd take down in a second if given the opportunity.

Now you admit you're a wuss that goes around with 4 masks and 4 boosters and buys everything on Fox- go ahead.
He's a POS BLM racist that I'd take down in a second if given the opportunity.

Now you admit you're a wuss that goes around with 4 masks and 4 boosters and buys everything on Fox- go ahead.

So, he is a BLM activist? That’s convenient. Let’s see a link.

What if he were not a BLM activist? (He’s not). Would you still condemn his murderous act?

Sonny boy, you are wired up backwards and your line voltage is going to ground.
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So, he is a BLM activist? That’s convenient. Let’s see a link.

What if he were not a BLM activist? (He’s not). Would you still condemn his murderous act?

Sonny boy, you are wired up backwards and your line voltage is going to ground.
yellow spinabifiditus- how you can post at all without shame is amazing
yellow spinabifiditus- how you can post at all without shame is amazing

So, you’re not going to condemn the Buffalo shooter, seeing as how I “blowed up” your BS lie about him being a BLM guy?
Only thing old yeller blew up was his God given immune system

Are going to condemn the Buffalo shooter? So far, you tried to hide behind another BS whopper of yours. Say it. You either condemn the Buffalo shooter or you stand with him.
yellow spinabifiditus- how you can post at all without shame is amazing
Your shame gene must have been removed during your lobotomy.

I want my millions of vaccine deaths. When are you going to deliver?
Are going to condemn the Buffalo shooter? So far, you tried to hide behind another BS whopper of yours. Say it. You either condemn the Buffalo shooter or you stand with him.
Dude do you have anything at all? Is this what you've been reduced to? Do the shots just make you dumb and Give you crap immune system? I didn't know they affected your brain so. But idk if you ever had any brain cells before the toxic death jabs and triple masks stoping oxygen exchange with your brain- Is this all you have really?
Dude do you have anything at all? Is this what you've been reduced to? Do the shots just make you dumb and Give you crap immune system? I didn't know they affected your brain so. But idk if you ever had any brain cells before the toxic death jabs and triple masks stoping oxygen exchange with your brain- Is this all you have really?

Are going to condemn the Buffalo shooter? So far, you tried to hide behind another BS whopper of yours. Say it. You either condemn the Buffalo shooter or you stand with him.
Are going to condemn the Buffalo shooter? So far, you tried to hide behind another BS whopper of yours. Say it. You either condemn the Buffalo shooter or you stand with him.
I condemn you enabler- see the "another victory" thread for your answer. Amazing all tough boy demanding an answer but won't get mad at those for poisoning him🤪
I condemn you enabler- see the "another victory" thread for your answer. Amazing all tough boy demanding an answer but won't get mad at those for poisoning him🤪

Do you condemn the Buffalo shooter? Yes or no?
Do you wear 6 masks in the shower- yes or no? Do you have a poster of woman titty Gates on your wall you salute each day- yes or no?

You've proven yourself a totally sick POS.

22: "Do you condemn the Buffalo shooter? Yes or no?"
Corndog: "No"
You've proven yourself a totally sick POS.

22: "Do you condemn the Buffalo shooter? Yes or no?"
Corndog: "No"
Kind of a pointless question if you ask me. It should go without saying everyone condemns what that sicko did. I don't know why we can't just shoot the sicko dead and save the taxpayer the money we will spend trying to convict him only to be forced to give him a life in a mental hospital.
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Kind of a pointless question if you ask me.

Well, I'm not asking you. It's a political discussion board, not a sports board.

When a pro-Putin guy like Corndog rants every day against the USA and the people who live here, it isn't pointless probing for what he is trying to hide. Those were innocent people shopping at a store. The new question is... why won't Corndog himself (not you coming to the rescue) come right out and say he condemns the murders committed by the Buffalo shooter? He won't. As in his OP, he'll claim it is a government false flag or go on to claim the shooter was a BLM activist (without retraction of that BS lie). Point made.

I'm as fiscally and socially conservative as anybody on this board, perhaps more so, but even I can see the MSM is partly correct about the internet being an incubator for extreme radical activism of weak, impressionable minds on the left and the right. Then people get murdered.
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Well, I'm not asking you. It's a political discussion board, not a sports board.

When a pro-Putin guy like Corndog rants every day against the USA and the people who live here, it isn't pointless probing for what he is trying to hide. Those were innocent people shopping at a store. The new question is... why won't Corndog himself (not you coming to the rescue) come right out and say he condemns the murders committed by the Buffalo shooter? He won't. As in his OP, he'll claim it is a government false flag or go on to claim the shooter was a BLM activist (without retraction of that BS lie). Point made.

I'm as fiscally and socially conservative as anybody on this board, perhaps more so, but even I can see the MSM is partly correct about the internet being an incubator for extreme radical activism of weak, impressionable minds on the left and the right. Then people get murdered.

Do you condemn killing people? Apologies but that's a question the dumb asses on the left ask when they are using a tragedy for politics. Do better.

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