Sheila Jackson Lee Dead at 74

35-years in Katy. Don't hold your breath on her. Katrina and open borders (among other things) have changed Houston irreparably.

Things in Houston started downhill way before Lee. She expedited things after Obama came into office along with it becoming popular to get a microphone and rant.
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Things in Houston started downhill way before Lee. She expedited things after Obama came into office along with it becoming popular to get a microphone and rant.
I agree with you on the timing for Houston proper. The problems have now migrated to the civilized suburbs via very uncivilized mobs with very uncivilized behaviors.
I agree with you on the timing for Houston proper. The problems have now migrated to the civilized suburbs via very uncivilized mobs with very uncivilized behaviors.

We left the Houston area 12 years ago. Could not get out of there fast enough and thankful everyday I live in a rather remote area in comparison.
35-years in Katy. Don't hold your breath on her. Katrina and open borders (among other things) have changed Houston irreparably.
Lived in Houston over 30 yrs ago. Overrun then with Mexicans working Construction and not a one could speak Engrish, I am sure its a whole lot worse now. Oh and the Cockroaches down there are as big as mice. Don't miss it one damn bit.
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Interesting rhetoric in this thread considering recent events and the supposed moral high ground the right claimed to stand upon proudly.

carry on
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Does anyone else think @ClintonDavidScott uses a magic 8 ball to build responses? Wash, rinse, and repeat with an "ah, and or the" thrown in to change the wording. But it is also has an unusual defect. Somehow it keeps coming up with "carry on".
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Does anyone else think @ClintonDavidScott uses a magic 8 ball to build responses?

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When SJL was not abusing her staff and pandering to the pronoun crowds and stating that whit men are the problem with the world, she took time out to show that learned cranium of hers.

To wit:

"In 1997, Jackson Lee visited NASA and demanded to see the flag that astronauts planted on Mars. She was gently advised that no human being had ever been to Mars because it was so far away. She then went into a rage and accused the space agency of racism before pointing out her membership on the House science committee."

But she wasn't finished with her mensa-type skills, to wit:

She told a class room of HS students: "A full moon is that complete, rounded circle which is made up mostly of gases, and that's why the question is why or how could we as humans live on the moon?"

She also can be heard calling the moon a planet: "We have yet to know whether you can live on the moon. But I don't know about you, I want to be first in line to know how to live and to be able to survive on the moon — that's another planet which we're going to see shortly."

Finally, office was 5-blocks from her townhouse. She had a driver there every morning 1-hour early to haul her to work crib. Heaven help the poor driver that did not show up on her schedule.
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Lived in Houston over 30 yrs ago. Overrun then with Mexicans working Construction and not a one could speak Engrish, I am sure its a whole lot worse now. Oh and the Cockroaches down there are as big as mice. Don't miss it one damn bit.
The Hispanics have taken over the black labor pools and will NOT tolerate them. Dont' forget that those 4" roaches could also fly.
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