She reached an all new low tonight.


Heisman Candidate
Feb 15, 2002
She went all out anti-police. The bitch drug out 5 moms whose children were killed by policeman and said we all need to confront our racism.

How about the thousands who are killed by their own?

Will the blacks see through this obvious pandering?
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She went all out anti-police. The bitch drug out 5 moms whose children were killed by policeman and said we all need to confront our racism.

How about the thousands who are killed by their own?

Will the blacks see through this obvious pandering?
Careful now. Any suggestions that black folks or the black community leaders have any culpability for the actions of blacks is grounds for the racism charge from the board's liberal self shamers. Everything that has ever occurred in any black person's life is the fault of whites. You need to visit the OU self shaming thread and get with the times you person of privilege.
Hilrod?? No way!
Of course HilDoesn'tGetBill'sRodLikeOtherWomen understands the plight of the black people. According to Sippy Cup, Slick Willy Clinton was the first black president. Of course Monica and other Willy victims disagreed, noting that Hillary's vagina was simply just as shallow as the rest of her.
I wish either party would help black people but they won't. Barack Obama has done nothing for poor people in helpless situations. It's not like the repubes are coming up with brilliant ideas on how to reach out to the poor, undereducated or mentally ill either.
I wish either party would help black people but they won't. Barack Obama has done nothing for poor people in helpless situations. It's not like the repubes are coming up with brilliant ideas on how to reach out to the poor, undereducated or mentally ill either.
But HilLIARy is helping black people. She's almost like a black person. Her husband was the first black president. They left the White House broke as a joke. Both were educated at some racially inclusive law school. What more do you want the bitch to do? She's never been able to pimp that body. The pimps associate pant suits with men.
He's on a roll today! I can't figure out what shift he's working, though. Dude is a machine!
He's on a roll today! I can't figure out what shift he's working, though. Dude is a machine!
I work 24 hour shifts like fire departments do. Sometimes I have to blow off some cynicism before I explode it on dumbasses in general society. Hardcore liberals are just natural targets.

I was fishing for a board race baiter. No bites yet though.
An old priest lay dying in a hospital.
He had served the people of the nation’s capital for many years. He motioned for the nurse to come near.

“Yes Father?” said the nurse.

“I would really like to see Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before I die” whispered the priest.
“I will see what I can do” said the nurse.

The nurse sent the request to Washington and waited for a response.
Soon an answer came back ...
Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would be delighted to visit the priest.

As they were driven to the hospital,
Hillary commented to Obama, “I don’t know why this old priest wants to see us,
but it certainly will help our images and may even help my election prospects”.

Obama agreed it was a good thing.

When they arrived at the priest’s room, the priest took Hillary’s hand in his right hand
and Obama’s hand in his left hand.

There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest’s face.
Finally Obama spoke.
“Father, of all people you could have chosen, why did you chose us to be with you at this time
when your end is so near?”

The old priest slowly replied, “I have always tried to pattern my life and
behavior after our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

“Amen” said Hillary.

“Amen” said Obama.

The old priest continued, “Jesus Christ, our Savior, died between two lying, thieving bastards and I would like to do the same.”