Shawn Ryan/Trump pod

I think we can, with a couple of exceptions, agree our government is corrupt. We have people in government that have become corrupted by the power they hold and use that power for their own self interest, not that of the people. While the corruption is not exclusive to one party, Democrats look to be intent on destroying the Constitution and becoming authoritarians. Republicans seem to be intent on their own self interests but seem to want to live within the confines of the Constitution and not become authoritarians.
With that said it makes sense Trump, having been on the outside of the Washington good old boys club, wouldn't know the extent of the corruption, who all was corrupt and had to rely on insiders to fill important roles in government with people he didn't know. Our government is huge, corrupt and made up of people that will do anything to hold onto their power. Hell IMO they killed Kennedy and more recently unprecedently performed a coup on a sitting President that was running for re-election because they know Trump now knows where all the dead bodies are buried and has had four years to plan how to start rooting out some of those involved in the corruption. Just my opinion.
Imagine the top Republicans telling Trump to step aside or else. We have seen what the Or Else looks like from the Dims. They must have some really bad shit on Biden to make him fold up like a cheap lawnchair and bow out.
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