Sexual Conquests


2nd Team
Feb 4, 2003
So I bought a few old record albums at an estate sale a few weeks back that probably haven't been played in 30 years. Decided to finally give them a spin over the weekend. When I took out the record, a stack of index cards fell out.

Upon inspection of the cards, there was a rather impressive list of sexual conquests on said cards dating back some 20 years involving dates, initials, locations (hotel, shower, etc.), and overall rating of sex act. Also included were rather vague rating points which might have involved number of shags or emotional feelings towards partner. This is open to debate. At any rate, the old lady and I got a good giggle out of our discovery. There were at least 20 cards of pure entertainment.

And it got me thinking, did you or an old friend ever maintain a shag list? I can't imagine many would own up to this but it would be interesting (after a certain age) to see how many names you could remember from your past (and where they are now?)
Were the notes in a woman's handwriting, or man's? How about a couple good examples?
If those index cards were in the jacket of Led Zeppelin IV, is there any way I can get my old record collection back from you?

(kidding of course)
I know this was wrong on several levels, but was young and had no sense. Had a house that was rented by 4 of us. We put a large American flag up on the wall and every time one of us nailed someone we put the girls initials in one of the stars. We weren't trying to be unpatriotic, just being stupid. I can't remember how many stars we ended up filling, but no where close to 50. We were fresh out of high school and all going to school.
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