Series or Shows worth watching again


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
Just curious what's on everyone's list.

I try to watch Band of Brothers at least once a year. That one just gets me and here in about a year I'm going to have my daughter start watching it with me. Makes me really appreciate what I have and be thankful to the ones that fought so that I could.

I didn't watch the Wire when it was out but I've now watched it on HBO Go and now I'm watching it back through, still holds up a great show.

I loved Breaking Bad but I'm not sure I could sit through it again. I haven't caught up on House of Cards but I could probably watch that first season over again and not get bored.

Anyone else have a list of rewatchables?
I think that's on Netflix, I'll have to watch it.
The Tudors. The Borgias. No Reservations (I love Anthony Bourdain).
Breakng Bad, The Wire, Downton Abbey, Sherlock

Absolutely on the BBC's Sherlock.

Downtown Abbey is really well done. I can get into the history happening around the characters. My wife loves it. I got really burned out in season three though.

Will add Firefly to my previous list also.
Maybe Mad Men.
NYPD Blue. Audience network started running the entire series in Jan, M-F. up to season 7 now. Amazing, ground breaking show. Not a chance it would be on network TV now.
I re-watched LOST about 2 years ago. I know it is not for everyone, but I thought it was better the second time around. So much stuff that I had forgotten. The whole story really tied together much better than I thought when I went through it the 2nd time. In addition, you are talking about a bunch of great characters, who were well developed, and the acting was strong.

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