"Serial" Podcast


Gold Member
Feb 20, 2005
Has anyone here been listening to Serial? It's a really interesting podcast that follows a 1999 murder and goes step by step through. The case to determine if the murderer was really guilty and how the jury found him guilty. I Know we have some lawyers on here so would be interested in getting their take.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm 5 episodes in. I'm intrigued, there's a reasonable doubt that he didn't do it. I just don't understand why Jay has his cell phone and then he acts surprised that Jay ratted him out. He acted like he barely knows Jay, yet he gave him his cell phone and had all this contact with him on the day of the murder?
I've only listened to the first 3 or so, but I'm definitely enjoying it. I like to listen to podcasts at work (mindless job), but it's kind of difficult to listen to this one because I feel like I really need to pay attention.
I saw that Serial is the most downloaded Podcast of all time. I'm interested to hear your thoughts once you are done.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I listened to the first one a couple of nights ago. Turned off all other media and sat around the iPad listening while staring at the wall, just like they did in the olden days. Gonna try to get through the rest of them by the end of this weekend. The SNL parody was hilarious, even tho Koenig just told Terri Gross that she things making light of anything connected to the case--including the podcast--is in poor taste.

The 'This American Life' style of narration grates on me, but I enjoyed the first episode.
I listened to all 12 podcasts. Well done, holds interest in a video world, and I expect to see numerous attempts to replicate this model.
It's on my list. Heard good things. Just don't want to be depressed before Christmas.
I didn't find it depressing at all. Btw if you haven't watched the SNL parody, it's hilarious. The girl nails Sarah K's voice and the lawyer is perfect. For those of you that have finished, I think I agree with her final assessment for the most part.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
All done.

Sarah Koenig is annoying. Her voice grates on me, not sure what it is, but I feel sorry for her husband having to listen to her all the time.

I really enjoyed the podcast, but the ending was kind of blah. I realize it's not a novel and this is an ongoing thing, but there's really no payoff and that kind of blows.

I put a 95% chance Adnan did it. I think he's a psycopath and I think Jay is too believable eventhough there were inconsistencies in his story. To know where the car was, to have Adnan's car and phone all day. For the cell phone to matchup with cell towers explaining when and where she was burried.

I think there is a 4.5% chance Jay did it on his own (or without Adnan) and framed Adnan, and that might be too high. I never got the impression that Jay was bright enough to pull something like that off.

.5% chance that other guy they mentioned at the end. I just don't understand how Jay could be connected to him though.....
If you find her annoying then you certainly need to watch the SNL spoof.

I also think he did it but as she states, probably couldn't have convicted him based on the evidence. Also, clearly Sarah K is trying to get a conjugal visit.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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