All done.
Sarah Koenig is annoying. Her voice grates on me, not sure what it is, but I feel sorry for her husband having to listen to her all the time.
I really enjoyed the podcast, but the ending was kind of blah. I realize it's not a novel and this is an ongoing thing, but there's really no payoff and that kind of blows.
I put a 95% chance Adnan did it. I think he's a psycopath and I think Jay is too believable eventhough there were inconsistencies in his story. To know where the car was, to have Adnan's car and phone all day. For the cell phone to matchup with cell towers explaining when and where she was burried.
I think there is a 4.5% chance Jay did it on his own (or without Adnan) and framed Adnan, and that might be too high. I never got the impression that Jay was bright enough to pull something like that off.
.5% chance that other guy they mentioned at the end. I just don't understand how Jay could be connected to him though.....