Senior Worlds Today and tomorrow


Mar 14, 2016
All pbp courtesy of SlipperyPete12 on the PSU board. He does an amazing job. Almost feels like you are watching the match when you read his pbp.

61kg - R32 - #5 Marcus Blaze VS #12 Kyle Burwick

Burwick with a snap & half shot, nothing. Circling & tying up, looking for an opening. Stoppage, passivity warning Burwick, 2:10 left, restart
Blaze holding position in the center. More tying up & circling. Burwick shoots, Blaze counters & gets a TD, 2-0, no turns, restart, 1:20 left
Tying up & circling & hand fighting. Blaze fakes, Burwick backs out to evade, then back to the circling & tying up. 30-sec left. Blaze holding position in the center, but not doing much more. Burwick moving around a bit, but neither wrestler doing much & the period ends
2-0 Blaze

Back to action. Burwick looking for an under hook, but no luck. Burwick shoots, gets to a leg & finishes the TD, 2-2, adv Burwick, restart, 2:14 left. Blaze shoots in, Burwick tries to Dake bomb him, but Blaze evades it & gets the TD, 4-2, adds a turn, 6-2, restart. Circling & tying up, Burwick half shot, nothing & back to the tie up. Burwick looking for an opening, but Blaze with solid positioning, 1-min left. Blaze passivity warning, restart. Burwick looking for a shot, but can't find an opening. 30-sec left. More circling & Burwick taking some shots, & that's how it ends.

Marcus Blaze DEC Kyle Burwick 6-2
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61kg - R32 - #6 Jax Forrest (YG) VS #11 Nico Provo (Connecticut)

Jax coming forward, Provo circles back to center, then drops in on a leg, Jax locked in through the crotch & it's a stalemate, restart. Tying up, Jax reaches for a leg, nothing, tries a snap, nothing, then a throw by & gets the TD, 2-0, adds a turn, 4-0, restart, 2:02 left.
Provo shoots, Jax sprawls out of it & they're back on their feet. Jax reaches for a let, but Provo fights him off. Jax keeps coming forward goes throw by for a TD & then adds a couple turns to finish off the tech

Jax Forrest TECH Nico Provo 10-0
70kg - R16 - PJ Duke VS Vince Bouzakis (Wyoming Sem)

PJ with a quick TD, 2-0,no turns, restart, 2:36 left. Circling, Bouzakis shoots, PJ backs out of it. Tying up & circling, 2-min left. Bouzakis shoots, PJ counters, they're scrambling & stalemate, restart, 1:44 left. Injury or blood time. Back to action & circling, Bouzakis looking under hook, drops down to a leg, but PJ works out of it & reaches for a leg & again & picks up another TD, no turns, restart, 1:14 left. Bouzakis reaching for a leg, but nothing. Circling & hand fighting, then tying up & pushing. PJ reaches for a leg, nothing. Mor circling, PJ tries a drag, nothing & they're back on their feet circling as the period expires.
4-0 PJ

Back to action, Circling & looking for an opening by both, Bouzakis tries a double, but PJ blocks him off & they're back to tying up & circling. PJ drives forward, but Bouzakis fights him off. 2-min left. Passivity warning Bouzakis, restart. Tying up & circling, Bouzakis reaches for a leg, nothing. PJ working a 2 on 1 & they break. Bouzakis shoots, PJ blocks him off & they're back to circling in the center. PJ coming forward a little, Bouzakis 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock, 1:14 left. Bouzakis reaches for a leg, nothing, then shoots, PJ counters for another TD, 6-0, no turns, restart, 48-sec left. PJ shoots for the whistle, but Bouzakis blocks him off. PJ shot clock point, 7-0, 30-sec left.
Bouzakis coming forward a little, PJ tries a trip, nothing & that's how it ends.

PJ Duke DEC Vince Bouzakis 7-0
92kg R16 - #1 David Taylor VS #16 Aidan Brenot (Bison WC)

Late start, 2:20 left, Taylor just picked up a TD, 2-0, restart, 2:03 left. Taylor in on another quick TD, 4-0 & then adds 3 turns for the TECH.

David Taylor TECH Aidan Brenot (1:46)
LOL, PD3 (remember him?) gassed out. Was leading 6-2 in the 2nd and lost by tech 30 seconds later to Max Hale. He needs to go into sanitation where he gets a lunger every minute or so.
Who is this new signee for Cowboy Wrestling Club David Taylor? Haven't seen him wrestle a domestic tournament to my memory. What a plain name.

He seems pretty good though.
OSU had another plain name…actually the most common name in the history of names, John Smith.

He turned out to be the greatest ever.

Hopefully this new plain name fills those shoes on the mat and grows bigger ones in the corner.
OSU had another plain name…actually the most common name in the history of names, John Smith.

He turned out to be the greatest ever.

Hopefully this new plain name fills those shoes on the mat and grows bigger ones in the corner.
True story. I had a customer named Jim Smith and he would go to a Jim Smith convention. Everyone name was Jim Smith and they all wore name tags and would just meet and talk about their lives etc. He said it was a blast.

Can you imaging if John Smith went to one of those (for John Smiths) and some other John Smith asked what he did. That would be mind blowing!!
61kg QF - #6 Jax Forrest (YG) VS #3 Austin DeSanto (HWC)

Tying up, on their knees now, stalemate, restart. DeSanto coming forward, hand fighting & then they tie up. Jax on his knees, then back to his feet. Both on their knees & stalemate, restart. Circling & hand fighting, then tying up, DeSanto tries a throw by, nothing. Stoppage, Jax passivity, restart. Jax slide by, DeSanto squares him up. Back to circling & tying up. Stoppage, DeSanto passivity warning. DeSanto coming forward. Jax working for the TD & it's another stalemate, restart. Tying up & circling, hand fighting. Stoppage. DeSanto 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, stalemate, restart, 45-sec left. Tying up, DeSanto drops in on a let, working, Jax locked in through the crotch & gets a point for out of bounds, 1-0 Jax. Restart, 15-sec left & that's how the period ends.

Jax shot, DeSanto re attack, get the leg & takes Jax out of bounds, 1-1, adv DeSanto. DeSanto back in on a leg, scrambling & Desant rolls Jax through for 4, 5-1 DeSanto. Jax challenging.

Challenge won, score change to 6-3 DeSanto
DeSanto in on a leg, working, Jax locked in through the crotch, stalemate, restart, 1:54 left. Tying up & circling, DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, DeSanto driving forward, seat belt now, Jax whizzer & stalemate, restart, 1:15 left. DeSanto shoots, Jax sprawls, stalemate again, 59-sec left, restart. Tying up & circling, Jax throw by, nothing. DeSanto shoots, Jax reattacks & Jax throws in a leg & they roll out of bounds, 2 Jax, 6-5 DeSanto. 36 sec left, restart. Tying up, Jax coming forward, tries a throw by & another, DeSanto counters & gets to the legs for another TD, 8-5, restart.
Jax throws another brick, 14-sec left.

Challenge lost, point DeSanto, 9-5, restart. Jax coming forward, DeSanto blocking him off, restart. Jax coming forward & drives DeSanto out as time expires, 9-6, add a caution for a 9-7 final

Austin DeSanto DEC Jax Forrest 9-7
70kg QF - #4 PJ Duke VS #5 Jarrett Jacques (TSWC)

Circling, PJ with a half shot & back to the tie up. Hand fighting & collar ties, then they break. Passivity warning Jacques, 2:11 left, restart. Circling, PJ fakes, switches to a 2 on 1 & they break. Jacques shoots, nothing. PJ throw by, nothing. Jacques 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock, restart. PJ working a 2 on 1, Jacques pulls out of it. Back to center circling, Jacques coming forward, PJ blocks him off. PJ shot clock point, 1-0. PJ working another 2 on 1, 1-min left. Circling & tying up. PJ passivity warning. 43-sec left. Tying up. PJ looking under hook, nothing. PJ snaps, nothing. Tying up & pushing in the center. Jacques shoots, PJ circles out & the period ends. 1-0 PJ.

Back to action. Circling & hand fighting. Jacques reaches for a leg, PJ counters, but nothing. Back to center circling. PJ looking under hook again. Passivity warning PJ #2, goes on the clock. Circling, PJ coming forward a little. Shot clock point Jacques, 1-1, adv Jacques. 1:55 left. PJ working 2 on 1 again, but no luck. Back to center & circling. PJ a little more active now. Jacques 3rd pasivity warning, goest on the clock. PJ trips & gets exposure, but it's white paddled. Ref at the table now. 2 for PJ, 3-1, Jacques in on a leg, PJ countering & gets another TD, 5-1, adds a shot clock point & it's 6-1, 1:04 left. Refs back at the table.
Restart, Jacques coming forward, PJ holding solid position. Jacques shoots, PJ counters for another TD, 8-1, restart, 36-sec left. Jacques coming forward, gets to a leg & comes around for a TD, 8-3, no turns, restart, 19-sec left. Injury or blood time PJ. Back to action. Jacques shoots, nothing, shoots again, PJ blocks it all off.

PJ Duke DEC Jarrett Jacques 8-3
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I wish I didn't hate Flow so much that I could justify paying for their under produced garbage.
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92kg QF - #1 David Taylor VS #8 Marcus Coleman (CRTC)

Circling & then tying up. Coleman drops in on a leg, Taylor with a crotch lock, scrambling & Taylor works around for the TD, 2-0, restart, 2:21 left. Tying up, Taylor high-C, has a turk, gets a TD, 4-0, but that's it, restart. Tying up, Taylor drops to a double off the whistle for another TD, Taylor switches off to a half, turns Coleman to his back & gets the pin.

David Taylor FALL Marcus Coleman (1:46)
A little match overlap earlier, but catching up now. I wish I'd started with this one instead of Jax. What a fantastic performance by Blaze!

61kg QF - #5 Marcus Blaze (PWC) VS #4 Seth Gross (WRTC)

Circling, Gross coming forward, drags Blaze to the mat, then they break & are back on their feet. Circling & tying up. Gross comes forward, Blaze circles back to center. Blaze passivity warning. Blaze drops in on a leg, elevates it & takes Gross out of bounds, 1-0 Blaze, restart, 2:03 left. Tying up on the whistle. Gross working a 2 on 1, Blaze fights it off & they go out of bounds, point Gross, 1-1, adv Gross, restart. Tying up & circling. Gross working the head, stoppage, restart, 1:26 left. Circling & hand fighting. 1-min left. Gross drops in on a leg, Blaze fighting. Gross elevates the leg straight up & takes Blaze out of bounds for 2, 3-1 Gross, restart, 52-sec left. Circling & tying up, Gross working the head, drags Blaze to the match, then he's back on his feet, Gross tries a trip, but misses. Back to circling in the center & that's how the period ends. 3-1 Gross

Circling, Gross coming forward a little, Blaze working a 2 on 1, Gross shoots, nothing. Circling & hand fighting. Blaze shoots, nothing. Circling, but a quick stoppage. Passivity warning Gross, Blaze drops in on a leg off the whistle. Gross defending, Blaze keeps working & they go out of bounds, no points, restart. Gross shoots, Blaze counters, gets a leg & takes Gross out, point Blaze, 3-2, restart. 1:45 left. Circling, stoppage for something, restart. Circling, Gross head tapping. Blaze drops in on the legs, they're scrambling & Blaze gets a TD, wait, Gross gets the points & it's 5-2 Gross as they go out of bounds. Gross gets another 2 for something & it's 7-2, 1:12 left
Blaze challenging
Challenge won, score changed to 5-2 Gross
Back to action. Tying up & circling, Blaze coming forward a little, snaps, nothing. Tying up, Blaze knee pull single, working & rolls through, 2 points Blaze, 5-4. Blaze has a trap arm & gets a turn, 6-5 Blaze & adds another turn as they go out of bounds, but doesn't get points for it. 2-sec left. 6-5 Blaze.
Gross challenging. Challenge lost, point Blaze, score changed to 7-5. Restart, 2-sec left & the period quickly expires.

Marcus Blaze DEC Seth Gross 7-5
What a great set of challenger semis coming up at 79kg:

79 Chance Marsteller (NJRTC/ TMWC) VPO Hunter Garvin (California RTC), 7-0

79 Keegan O'toole (Tiger Style WC/ TMWC) VPO1 David Carr (Cyclone RTC/ TMWC), 9-4

79 Alex Dieringer (CKWC/ TMWC) VPO1 Evan Wick (SoCal RTC/ TMWC), 7-1

79 Jordan Burroughs (Pennsylvania RTC) VPO1 Levi Haines (Nittany Lion Wrestling Club), 4-1
I wish I didn't hate Flow so much that I could justify paying for their under produced garbage.
One year of Flo costs less than a plane ticket to a single wrestling event. That’s how I justify it. For better or worse they just have the best international coverage.
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One year of Flo costs less than a plane ticket to a single wrestling event. That’s how I justify it. For better or worse they just have the best international coverage.
There’s discounted signups links as well I paid $15 for the month, or you can pay $100 for the year.
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Blaze is gonna look great with that white band around the waist...

61kg SF - #5 Marcus Blaze (PWC) VS #1 Nahshon Garrett (LVWC)

Garrett looks bigger. Circling, Garrett shoots a double, Blaze blocks him off. Blaze drops to a leg & gets a TD, 2-0, restart, 2:20 left. Tying up & circling, Garrett coming forward a little, Blaze circles back in. Stoppage, Passivity warning Garrett, restart, 1:40 left. Circling, hand fighting & looking for an opening, 1-min left. Garrett with some heavy clubs, stoppage & warning on Garrett, restart. 45-sec left. Garrett reaches for a leg, nothing. Tying up, 30-sec left. Hand fighting, Garrett snaps, nothing. More circling & hand fighting as the period ends. 2-0 Blaze

Back to action. Garrett reaches for a leg, nothing. Blaze holding position. Garrett reaches again, nothing. Garrett pulling on the head, nothing. Blaze shoots, Garrett counters, Blaze re-counters & takes Garrett out of bounds, 3-0, restart. Circling & hand fighting & clubbing. Blaze reaches for a leg, Garrett circles away. Garrett reaches for a leg, nothing. Garrett coming forward harder, stoppage, Garrett 2nd passivity warning, goes on the clock. Garrett comes forward off the whistle, Blaze counters & takes Garrett out of bounds again, 4-0, restart. Circling & tying up, Garrett coming forward. Blaze shot clock point, 5-0. Garrett reaching, has Blaze on the edge, but Blaze circles back in, 1-min left. Garrett coming forward. Blaze locked over the head & then they're back to center. Garrett looking for an opening, but Blaze holding great position. Garrett shoots, Blaze circles away. Garrett shoots, Blaze counters & holds on as time runs out.

Marcus Blaze DEC Nahshon Garrett 5-0

Fantastic performance by Marcus. I hope we get to see him wrestle for PSU.
92kg SF - #1 David Taylor (CRTC) VS #5 Michael Macchiavello (LVWC)

A bit of a delay before the match as they re-tape the mats together. Here we go. All taped up & ready to rock, says Pyles. Lol. Tying up, Taylor coming forward, Macchiavello with a shot, Taylor stuffs is. Macchiavello coming forward, Taylor blocks him off. Lots of action in the first 30-sec. Circling up & pushing, stoppage, Passivity warning Macchiavello, restart. Tying up & circling, Taylor pushing forward, 2-min left. Taylor keeps coming forward, drops in on a double & picks up a TD, 2-0, restart, 1:37 left. Taylor shoots in off the whistle, gets a leg & another TD, exposing Macchiavello in the process, 6-0, resrtart, 1:15 left. Taylor pushing forward, drops in on a double, lifts Macchiavello up & gets another TD with exposure for 4, 10-0, Taylor keeps working & gets the pin!

David Taylor FALL Michael Macchiavello (2:09)
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