Senator Hirono...

I just wish they would ask questions. The fact they don't but instead grandstand and speech-make like Hirono did just proves its political theatre and not legitimate investigative work. For the record, it was nearly the 5 minute mark before Hirono actually stated that she does have questions to ask, and then proceded to ask one Yes/No question then a couple of personal opinion questions completely unrelated to whether or not any wrong-doing occurred.
I just wish they would ask questions. The fact they don't but instead grandstand and speech-make like Hirono did just proves its political theatre and not legitimate investigative work. For the record, it was nearly the 5 minute mark before Hirono actually stated that she does have questions to ask, and then proceded to ask one Yes/No question then a couple of personal opinion questions completely unrelated to whether or not any wrong-doing occurred.

You nailed it. 100% political theater - and every one of them thinks they got over on Barr and looked tough for their diners. Truth is he made it very hard on them today to get anything useful to slander him with. The guy is a pro. Hirono is a joke.
When she had finished with her harangue at Mr. Barr, filled with slanderous and insulting innuendo, do you suppose Ms. Hirono excused herself to the lady's room, looked at herself in the mirror and thought "Damn, I nailed that evil corrupt son of a bitch to the wall! Because of me all of America now knows what kind of person he is, and I have done an honorable and admirable thing, and all Americans owe me a debt of gratitude for bringing it to their attention." Or is it possible she wondered at the propriety of what she had just done, felt any shame for her actions. She had publicly made charges she knew were false in an attempt to destroy the man's reputation and muddy the waters as much as possible before the IG's report comes out, all for political purposes, the health of our democracy be damned, gaining power is the only thing that matters. Do you wonder if it crossed her mind that she acted the way a member of a tyrannical oligarchy acts, not caring whether the society would survive, that perhaps what she had done was inconceivably evil? Do you suppose she cares?
You nailed it. 100% political theater - and every one of them thinks they got over on Barr and looked tough for their diners. Truth is he made it very hard on them today to get anything useful to slander him with. The guy is a pro. Hirono is a joke.
All the while his team is continuing the investigation into spying on Trump and the democrat's Russian collusion and all that will sprout from it like Uranium One, Hildebitch's emails, faux FISA warrants, doctored 302 statements, the Biden's and Podesta's Ukrainian wheeling and dealing, leaks, and who knows what else they will unearth.
When she had finished with her harangue at Mr. Barr, filled with slanderous and insulting innuendo, do you suppose Ms. Hirono excused herself to the lady's room, looked at herself in the mirror and thought "Damn, I nailed that evil corrupt son of a bitch to the wall! Because of me all of America now knows what kind of person he is, and I have done an honorable and admirable thing, and all Americans owe me a debt of gratitude for bringing it to their attention." Or is it possible she wondered at the propriety of what she had just done, felt any shame for her actions. She had publicly made charges she knew were false in an attempt to destroy the man's reputation and muddy the waters as much as possible before the IG's report comes out, all for political purposes, the health of our democracy be damned, gaining power is the only thing that matters. Do you wonder if it crossed her mind that she acted the way a member of a tyrannical oligarchy acts, not caring whether the society would survive, that perhaps what she had done was inconceivably evil? Do you suppose she cares?

She's thinking she just expanded her political notoriety and who or how she did it to doesn't really matter
When she had finished with her harangue at Mr. Barr, filled with slanderous and insulting innuendo, do you suppose Ms. Hirono excused herself to the lady's room, looked at herself in the mirror and thought "Damn, I nailed that evil corrupt son of a bitch to the wall! Because of me all of America now knows what kind of person he is, and I have done an honorable and admirable thing, and all Americans owe me a debt of gratitude for bringing it to their attention." Or is it possible she wondered at the propriety of what she had just done, felt any shame for her actions. She had publicly made charges she knew were false in an attempt to destroy the man's reputation and muddy the waters as much as possible before the IG's report comes out, all for political purposes, the health of our democracy be damned, gaining power is the only thing that matters. Do you wonder if it crossed her mind that she acted the way a member of a tyrannical oligarchy acts, not caring whether the society would survive, that perhaps what she had done was inconceivably evil? Do you suppose she cares?
Yes to your first part and no to the second. She had no clue what she was doing as she only read what her staff prepared for her to read.
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When she had finished with her harangue at Mr. Barr, filled with slanderous and insulting innuendo, do you suppose Ms. Hirono excused herself to the lady's room, looked at herself in the mirror and thought "Damn, I nailed that evil corrupt son of a bitch to the wall! Because of me all of America now knows what kind of person he is, and I have done an honorable and admirable thing, and all Americans owe me a debt of gratitude for bringing it to their attention." Or is it possible she wondered at the propriety of what she had just done, felt any shame for her actions. She had publicly made charges she knew were false in an attempt to destroy the man's reputation and muddy the waters as much as possible before the IG's report comes out, all for political purposes, the health of our democracy be damned, gaining power is the only thing that matters. Do you wonder if it crossed her mind that she acted the way a member of a tyrannical oligarchy acts, not caring whether the society would survive, that perhaps what she had done was inconceivably evil? Do you suppose she cares?
Doesn't care.
It's glaringly apparent the dims are bullying Barr to prevent him from opening Pandoras box.
It won't work but their desperation dictates they try anyway.
Doesn't care.
It's glaringly apparent the dims are bullying Barr to prevent him from opening Pandoras box.
It won't work but their desperation dictates they try anyway.
The impression I get from Barr is the more the democrats and media go after him and assail his character the more resolved he will be to investigate everything back to day one of Obama.
I agree. Seems like a terrible strategy on the DNC's part. Barr is not intimidated by anyone.

True justice seekers are blind and will not be intimidated and will follow all leads. All those on this Board that have voted from Trump have said if he broke a crime then convict him, that was early in his Presidency.

None of the Dims say that about Obama, Hillary, or Brennan, Comey, etc... they only want transparency and want laws enforced when it can gain them political power.

This is the most massive political hypocrisy in the history of the US, carried out by MSM and the swamp.
I agree. Seems like a terrible strategy on the DNC's part. Barr is not intimidated by anyone.
The dems know what resides behind doors 1, 2, & 3. A thorough investigation of everything turned up to date by Carter, Solomon, Attkisson, and others plus what will be said by the rats trying to save themselves could very well have lasting effects on the democrat political/media/establishment cabal.
I would have just sat there not answering anything she asked. When the time was right I would have said, "aren't you the one who told men to shut up? Just honoring your wishes."
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The dems know what resides behind doors 1, 2, & 3. A thorough investigation of everything turned up to date by Carter, Solomon, Attkisson, and others plus what will be said by the rats trying to save themselves could very well have lasting effects on the democrat political/media/establishment cabal.

that’s the plan
When she had finished with her harangue at Mr. Barr, filled with slanderous and insulting innuendo, do you suppose Ms. Hirono excused herself to the lady's room, looked at herself in the mirror and thought "Damn, I nailed that evil corrupt son of a bitch to the wall! Because of me all of America now knows what kind of person he is, and I have done an honorable and admirable thing, and all Americans owe me a debt of gratitude for bringing it to their attention." Or is it possible she wondered at the propriety of what she had just done, felt any shame for her actions. She had publicly made charges she knew were false in an attempt to destroy the man's reputation and muddy the waters as much as possible before the IG's report comes out, all for political purposes, the health of our democracy be damned, gaining power is the only thing that matters. Do you wonder if it crossed her mind that she acted the way a member of a tyrannical oligarchy acts, not caring whether the society would survive, that perhaps what she had done was inconceivably evil? Do you suppose she cares?

Do you really think the DFC is that smart?
I guess Barr had a gut full and will not attend more partisan grillings for the immediate future.
Good on him.
Barr told them in no uncertain terms that the Mueller Report is over and done with--is history. Now, the DOJ and FBI and others are fully invested in finding out what the rogue players (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, McCabe, Lynch, Hillary & Co., et al, and yes, Obama) did to the rule of law and the degree to which they turned it on its head the past 10 years.
It's obvious the mission of the Democrats is to cause Barr's integrity to be questioned by the idiot leftist hive so that when he unravels what happened with spygate, they'll already be primed to accept the narrative that Barr is trying to deflect from Trump's "crimes." Simple NPC programming language.
It's obvious the mission of the Democrats is to cause Barr's integrity to be questioned by the idiot leftist hive so that when he unravels what happened with spygate, they'll already be primed to accept the narrative that Barr is trying to deflect from Trump's "crimes." Simple NPC programming language.

If they weren’t so obvious it would be more effective.
It's obvious the mission of the Democrats is to cause Barr's integrity to be questioned by the idiot leftist hive so that when he unravels what happened with spygate, they'll already be primed to accept the narrative that Barr is trying to deflect from Trump's "crimes." Simple NPC programming language.

The Dims are playing slo-mo pinball; the game is over, but they're too stupid to catch up, or better yet, get it.
The dipshits they're selling it to don't think for themselves. The Democrats could be completely transparent about the stratgey and the lefty mouth breathers will just nod their heads and repeat what they're told.

People are promising campaign contributions for tgis school of fish mentality. Today was a besmirching contest and the winners get the cash. They are total puppets.

But you are right. The children watching the puppet show have no clue they aren’t real.
They loved Rosenstein the entire time he oversaw the Mueller Investigation and now that he confirms it found a giant nothing burger he is persona non grata.

Their politics and hatred is no longer determined by the day, but literally by the second. They have taken things past hypocrisy, they are void of all morals, narcissistic POS that want power just to have it, even if it means destroying the very society that bestowed you with a fiduciary responsibility to protect our people, a responsibility that you uphold only for your narcissism, greed, and overblown sense of self importance and your right to rule over the so called deplorables.
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Their politics and hatred is no longer determined by the day, but literally by the second. They have taken things past hypocrisy, they are void of all morals, narcissistic POS that want power just to have it, even if it means destroying the very society that bestowed you with a fiduciary responsibility to protect our people, a responsibility that you uphold only for your narcissism greed and overblown sense of self importance and your right to rule over the so called deplorables.
Today was only for show for the Democrats. They have nothing and they know it. Mueller was a giant let down. Now they're just shitting out dumbass "coverup" narratives for the folks attached to their collective rectum Human Centipede style to screech about.
It's obvious the mission of the Democrats is to cause Barr's integrity to be questioned by the idiot leftist hive so that when he unravels what happened with spygate, they'll already be primed to accept the narrative that Barr is trying to deflect from Trump's "crimes." Simple NPC programming language.

Convictions and sentences if they happen will be hard to not cover, but I am sure they will spin this in to Trump being Hitler and silencing political opponents.

I want Comey to get bitch raped by the biggest bad azz in the prison while he tells Comey he is eating his soul in small pieces. Hopefully that is a deterrent to anyone that wants to head up the FBI to not weaponize the FBI.
After Barr's magnificent testimony the dems called for his resignation. If he were to do it, they might get Joe DiGenova as his replacement.
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Once the actual FISA applications, 302 statements and other documents written by the coup partners are released we'll get to see the degree to which these actors went to usurp the rule of law. I doubt it will change the minds of the true believers but it will show all their manipulations.

I gained some respect for Mueller with his report. The letter two days ago wasn't written by Mueller. I'd say Weisman's hands were all over it. He's shown he will do anything to get what he wants.

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