Senate Republicans don't want a wall, just "border security"

NZ Poke

Heisman Candidate
Dec 16, 2007

This corrupt senator needs to be brought in front of the crowd below:

As Cornyn rose in stature in the Senate he also moved away from his positions which got him elected.
Flashback --- the third paragraph was clearly referring to the senator above.

National Border Patrol Council Endorses Donald Trump for President

The National Border Patrol Council is the official organization representing our nation’s Border Patrol Agents. We represent 16,500 agents who selflessly serve this country in an environment where our own political leaders try to keep us from doing our jobs.

You can judge a man by his opponents: all the people responsible for the problems plaguing America today are opposing Mr. Trump. It is those without political power – the workers, the law enforcement officers, the everyday families and community members – who are supporting Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump will take on special interests and embrace the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to the management yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to say. This is a refreshing change that we have not seen before – and may never see again.

There is no greater physical or economic threat to Americans today than our open border. And there is no greater political threat than the control of Washington by special interests.

In view of these threats, the National Border Patrol Council endorses Donald J. Trump for President – and asks the American people to support Mr. Trump in his mission to finally secure the border of the United States of America, before it is too late.
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Good luck with an on topic response. A couple of weeks ago I asked a specific question about Senate rules and his reply (and the staffer who sent it) addressed everything but the specific question.

Yeah. I get it. I'm just hoping that enough people will call him out so that he won't be able to easily ignore it.
Check out the Senator's political ad from 2008. Has he been corrupted by the lobbyists his ad was railing against?


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Check out the Senator's political ad from 2008. Has he been corrupted by the lobbyists his ad was railing against?


You guys seem really confused between objectives and tactics. Who gives a F whether it's a wall or an invisible force field, the objective is to provide effective border security. Only in groupthink Trumpland is a wall the only solution.

I'd wager that Cornyn, get this, is actually listening to his constituents and to the border patrol pro's who realize that building a wall through much of the west Texas border country is absurd for physical reasons. As has been discussed ad nauseum but is easily ignored from places on high like DC.
You guys seem really confused between objectives and tactics. Who gives a F whether it's a wall or an invisible force field, the objective is to provide effective border security. Only in groupthink Trumpland is a wall the only solution.

I'd wager that Cornyn, get this, is actually listening to his constituents and to the border patrol pro's who realize that building a wall through much of the west Texas border country is absurd for physical reasons. As has been discussed ad nauseum but is easily ignored from places on high like DC.

Who has called the wall "the only solution?"

The federal government (presidents from both parties, congressman and senators from both parties) have been promising and promoting "border security" for many decades ---- and all have completely failed to deliver.

Examples below -- all completely failed at this most basic task despite their bold proclamations.

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All that taxpayer money wasted in 2014, and the problem continued in 2016.

Why would anyone trust Cornyn (or long term congressperson) on this issue?

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You guys seem really confused between objectives and tactics. Who gives a F whether it's a wall or an invisible force field, the objective is to provide effective border security. Only in groupthink Trumpland is a wall the only solution.

I'd wager that Cornyn, get this, is actually listening to his constituents and to the border patrol pro's who realize that building a wall through much of the west Texas border country is absurd for physical reasons. As has been discussed ad nauseum but is easily ignored from places on high like DC.

I don't think anybody thinks a wall alone is the solution. But I think it's a vital piece of the puzzle.
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I don't think anybody thinks a wall alone is the solution. But I think it's a vital piece of the puzzle.
It's already one component and maybe it should be longer. I don't know. But I'm also pretty sure that it's not the final end-all, be-all solution that Trump has positioned it to be amongst his masses. Only point being that we're looking for a total solution, not fixating on one part of that solution.
A structure alone is easily defeated. Prisons use a combination of surveillance, patrols, structures and heavy manpower. And it still gets defeated, just not very often.

Not the greatest analogy, I know. Best I could come up with on short notice.
It's already one component and maybe it should be longer. I don't know. But I'm also pretty sure that it's not the final end-all, be-all solution that Trump has positioned it to be amongst his masses. Only point being that we're looking for a total solution, not fixating on one part of that solution.

I don't think anyone has ever promoted the wall as the end-all solution.

There are many millions of illegals already living here and using taxpayer resources --- the wall does nothing for them.
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There are many millions of illegals already living here and using taxpayer resources --- the wall does nothing for them.

...until they're on the other side of the wall.

If/when the wall is built, I'm building a plant in McAllen, Texas that makes inflatable rafts.
No one except for the hordes that attend Trump rallies and chant about walls.

Because politician after politician (from both parties) has promoted "border security / stopping illegal immigration" for many decades ---- and all have completely failed to deliver. (While wasting many billions of taxpayer dollars)

Nobody ever asked the American people if they want to become a Latin American country.

And why would any rational American want to become more like our southern neighbors? (Beyond just Mexico)

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Why would any rational person want to import these violent cultures into our safe culture?

Some cultures are better than others.


None of our southern neighbors have anything close to freedom of speech / press.

Why would we want to be more like cultures who don't embrace free expression? (And are violent towards women)

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Just start shooting those that get caught coming in illegally. Word will get around fairly quickly. Immigration problem solved.
No. And I don't really expect one. I was very blunt. And I told the truth when asked for my location. That's the main reason I don't think I'll receive a reply. I'm not a constituent.

Damn, too late. I could've given you lots of real names/addresses/emails from Dallas; I'm sure my friends would have been impressed to get shit from Johnny.:D
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Did you get a response?

Thank you for contacting Senator John Cornyn's office. If you need immediate assistance regarding an urgent or time sensitive matter you are personally experiencing with a federal agency, please call my Dallas office at (972) 239-1310. If you are seeking information or services from my offices that are NOT related to my Legislative duties, please visit my “For Texans" section for more information. Warmest Regards, Senator John Cornyn
Of course, the wall must be planned well....

Please, make sure the volume is up:

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