Sean Parnell Abuse Allegations Hit Buzzsaw: Pennsylvania Republican Testifies Wife Presented Photo of Bruised Child – Who Wasn’t His


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

Must mean Parnell is in the lead.......think these types of trick have lost every bit of efficacy.

"Parnell’s attorney broached text messages from October 2019 when Parnell first reached out to Snell about his possible congressional run and asked for her support. Parnell’s attorney began reading through messages from the 15-page document, revealing texts from Snell blackmailing Parnell.

“Write up an agreement that gives me the house and that you will pay the mortgage until the kids are done with school, and you have my full support. I will even door-knock for you,” Snell’s text message read. Snell also told Parnell she wanted a job on his campaign. She then said in a message later that month that she had been offered a job with Lamb’s campaign team. This, Snell admitted in testimony, was a distortion of the truth and that the job she was offered was not with Lamb’s campaign but rather a job that supported it. She admitted she was “probably” being “a little bit snarky” because Parnell’s company’s cofounder had allegedly fired her from her job."

What a bitch!
  • Wow
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