Scott Pruitt confirmed 52-46

beat the emails by golly...will be interesting to see what happens when those are opened up sometime today....just too late I'm afraid.
Liberals world view


Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

Feb. 26, 2007

Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.

Kalee Kreider, a spokesperson for the Gores, did not dispute the Center's figures, taken as they were from public records.

But she pointed out that both Al and Tipper Gore work out of their home and she argued that "the bottom line is that every family has a different carbon footprint. And what Vice President Gore has asked is for families to calculate that footprint and take steps to reduce and offset it."

The Center claims that Nashville Electric Services records show the Gores in 2006 averaged a monthly electricity bill of $1,359 for using 18,414 kilowatt-hours, and $1,461 per month for using 16,200 kilowatt-hours in 2005.

During that time, Nashville Gas Company billed the family an average of $536 a month for the main house and $544 for the pool house in 2006, and $640 for the main house and $525 for the pool house in 2005. That averages out to be $29,268 in gas and electric bills for the Gores in 2006, $31,512 in 2005.

And you helped elect the most incompetent and corrupt administration in history. Still glad you "won"?
Trump been in office A MONTH! "most incompetent and corrupt administration in history" you have no basis for this comment and frankly it is ridiculous given the amount of time this administration has been in place. A big chunk of the administration has been waiting for the Democrats to run out of games so they can start their duties.
As someone who works with the EPA on a daily basis, I can't tell you how much of a chub this gives me. Everyone wants to protect the environment but the overly vast majority of the environmental regulations put in place under the past administration have done absolutely nothing to help the environment but rather have only increased the costs of the business owners, greatly added to the levels of beuarcracy, and done absolutely nothing to aid the environment. Nothing.

I don't have an opinion on Pruitt himself, but anybody that believes in trimming back the paper-pushing beuracrats in the EPA that have absolutely zero real-world, practical experience is fine by me.

Just another step in creating a buisness friendly 'Merica.
As someone who works with the EPA on a daily basis, I can't tell you how much of a chub this gives me. Everyone wants to protect the environment but the overly vast majority of the environmental regulations put in place under the past administration have done absolutely nothing to help the environment but rather have only increased the costs of the business owners, greatly added to the levels of beuarcracy, and done absolutely nothing to aid the environment. Nothing.

I don't have an opinion on Pruitt himself, but anybody that believes in trimming back the paper-pushing beuracrats in the EPA that have absolutely zero real-world, practical experience is fine by me.

Just another step in creating a buisness friendly 'Merica.
Great post sir. It seems under Obama, the EPA went nuts and used regulations to satisfy the voracious appetites of the special interest groups in Obama's pocket without regard to cost or reality.
Everyone wants to protect the environment but the overly vast majority of the environmental regulations put in place under the past administration have done absolutely nothing to help the environment but rather have only increased the costs of the business owners, greatly added to the levels of beuarcracy, and done absolutely nothing to aid the environment. Nothing.
I agree 100%.
Just a follow up. Back in November the EPA sent us a 22 page survey/questionnaire that they were requiring we fill out and submit within a certain period of time or be penalized. The survey was requesting info on our oil and natural gas facilities under section 114 of the Clean Air Act. It went on and on about useless bullshit that frankly I didn't know the answers to. I put it aside and forgot about it thinking that once ol Trump go into office we might see this sort of thing go bye bye. Well I'll be damned if I didn't get a letter today from the EPA withdrawing it's request for the information. God bless Scott Pruitt and Donald Trump. MAGA!!!!!!!!
Trump been in office A MONTH! "most incompetent and corrupt administration in history" you have no basis for this comment and frankly it is ridiculous given the amount of time this administration has been in place. A big chunk of the administration has been waiting for the Democrats to run out of games so they can start their duties.
Stand by the comment 5 weeks later... how about you?
Just a follow up. Back in November the EPA sent us a 22 page survey/questionnaire that they were requiring we fill out and submit within a certain period of time or be penalized. The survey was requesting info on our oil and natural gas facilities under section 114 of the Clean Air Act. It went on and on about useless bullshit that frankly I didn't know the answers to. I put it aside and forgot about it thinking that once ol Trump go into office we might see this sort of thing go bye bye. Well I'll be damned if I didn't get a letter today from the EPA withdrawing it's request for the information. God bless Scott Pruitt and Donald Trump. MAGA!!!!!!!!

Hot Damn! Its time we put the oil and gas industry in charge of protecting the environment! What could go wrong?
Hot Damn! Its time we put the oil and gas industry in charge of protecting the environment! What could go wrong?

So you read the 22 page bullshit questionnaire? It's another example of bloated,intrusive, over reaching government. Yes, it was all about putting big bad oil in charge of protecting the environment. Sort of like putting dipshit, bought and paid for attorneys in charge of making laws and tort reform. Another swing and miss.......welcher!
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