How do you propose we do that?
Is it not already failing?
It's beyond me, certainly, but more, more applicable trade schools, better infrastructure, especially in inner-cities. Ensuring class sizes from K-3 aren't too large, which they often are in early elementary classes in underfunded, high population areas. But, regardless of what the solutions are, it will take generations for education to improve. Generations and culture don't smarten up over night. And no solution, be it to reform public education, abolish it, or everything in between will have any immediate result. But, just gutting it could be disastrous for future generations. I mean, we just ended up with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as the two candidates for POTUS, and we want to risk making the next generations dumber?
BUT, I don't think it's failing in well-funded districts. I don't think it is failing in districts with solid funding and with a high number of students with strong parental support at home. This phrase will go over like a lead balloon around here, but I think public education is too big to fail.
How many hundreds of thousands of children in this country do have those poor, shitty/non existent parents? Then, they get to go to the worst schools, with the worst teachers, and the least amount of resources and they just perpetuate and grow all of this stuff that people complain about constantly and hate paying taxes to pay for/imprison.