We should do them and I'm hoping they return.Why does this matter? We don’t even have press briefings anymore.
We should do them and I'm hoping they return.
Why does this matter? We don’t even have press briefings anymore.
you may be right.. but I hope you're wrong on thisI agree, but they won't be as long as the current President is in office. He can't deal with being challenged like that.
I just think they are important. Not because 'oh we have always done them' but they do provide a sense of transparency and I think that is important for our constitutional republic.
And they say people with different opinions can't have civil discourse in 2019I completely agree.
I hear the staff ventriloquist is leaving.
WTH does it matter, lol? What do they need a press secretary for? Convey facts? Save some money and just buy a parrot.
Well, at least she'll know about hair and makeup.
Personal attack on appearance from mr high road. I assume you look like John stamos. How about a pic of you so we can see the stud all of this personal critique comes from.
Stop fishing for free spank bank material. Trump is all you’ll ever need.Personal attack on appearance from mr high road. I assume you look like John stamos. How about a pic of you so we can see the stud all of this personal critique comes from.
I attacked her vapid personality and lack of substance, not her personality. Most former sex workers are attractive.
Stop fishing for free spank bank material. Trump is all you’ll ever need.
Desperate to feel something? Anything? It won’t go away, and I’ll never show you.This is bottom of the barrel lame. Just don’t post if you don’t have anything.
I was actually curious who you were A) rooting for as the Dem nominee B) who you want to win.
I remember you being a big prominent of Kamala back when she announced; as you thought she'd bring in a lot of different voting bases that Hilary may have missed. I do think many Obama voters sat out due to the lack of excitement in a Hilary run. Would Biden get those back? I do think Kamala and Bernie would. Maybe Warren?
I won’t believe she is leaving until I hear her personally deny it on the record at a press conference.
Darned facts. Why won't they just play along and make believe?
you've missed the unerring analysis and commentary that you could have had all this time.
I may podcast. Or publish a Mueller Report II.
A bridge too far, even for me.
The pity of all this is that by gaslighting and constantly telling me what I think and believe about '16, you've missed the unerring analysis and commentary that you could have had all this time.
I may podcast. Or publish a Mueller Report II.