Rut Roh............


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
He just told Hannity he'll be releasing all the FISA warrant documents. Hasn't done it before on advice of counsel because of "obstruction" claims. Stay tuned.:D
And yet again, nothing will come of it.

The political churn, each side needs the other to be elected in their eyes. With no boogy man to run against, you have to run on actual policies.

Mueller investigation stopping is really bad for Dems because now focus is going to shift to what they stand for: Infanticide, 90% Corp tax rate, open borders, illegals voting, green deal, and free everything, etc... It is like you have 16 year olds in charge and they are trying to one up each other in a joking way on crazy stupid shit for attention. This is Pelosi’s biggest problem, she has no control over the extreme loony tune left that has come to Washington. Pelosi, of all people, Pelosi looks conservative compared to what has come to Washington and Pelosi helped get Trump elected to begin with.

The real problem for Dems in the Mueller investigation being over is Dems are going to now have to start trying to law make and run political races, and the utter silliness and embarrassment of their policies is going to come to the fore front.
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