If they were all so "upset" about inequality and injustice they would all give 10% of their income to a fund (would love to see it run by the Clintons) to rectify these issues. Secondly they should all be required to spend 40 hours in ride alongs with officers (and yes just like NFL players some are complete dipshits), lastly, probably and probably more importantly once people start doing other things then sitting on their asses and watching these "40 million dollar slaves" as some clown said, the more they realize they aren't missing anything and the more likely they are to not watch again (baring a close relative playing).
I quit watching long ago because it felt like these guys were more interested in chasing the team who would pay them the most, and with rare exception feeling like they owed any loyalty to the fans/team that they played for. Pretty rare to see a player take a pay cut to free up money, to enhance THEIR teams chances of winning by signing a player they have to pay a ton of money to.
Finally the amount of tax free money these teams get by extorting cities/people into paying for new stadiums is absurd. Have to look for the link, but remember reading awhile back, that when an NFL team arrives in town the touted higher paying jobs, more jobs and extra tax revenue generated by that team are actually a fantasy.