RNC grandson is in Nevada...

Sunburnt Indian

Heisman Candidate
Nov 7, 2001
Edge of the Comancheria
doing fund raising. Internal polling looks good. Legal Latinos are strong cop and law abiding. Latinos know Portland style Dimm backed anarchy ends Nevada's heavily dependent tourism.

Grandson's boss hints at a substantial pay increase with a Trump win. Grandson is giddy. His dad is worried about a Biden win and huge tax increases for small business owners and 401k hit.
I watched the Henderson rally on a poor NBC News Now production on YouTube. I saw some women carrying PEACEFUL PROTEST signs. No gatherings for more than 50 in Nevada, but Dimms seem fine with "peaceful protests." The biggest cheers came when Trump called for Dimm Nevada gov to open Nevada for business.
This is the goal of the democrat party. To destroy as much of the US economy as they can before the election and finish it off should Biden be elected.

I expect some very pointed campaign commercials aimed at those whose businesses and lives are being reduced to rubble by the Marxist democrats.
He working on making up that $150 mln monthly deficit? Disappointing results last month. You need to have a talk with him.
This is the goal of the democrat party. To destroy as much of the US economy as they can before the election and finish it off should Biden be elected.

I expect some very pointed campaign commercials aimed at those whose businesses and lives are being reduced to rubble by the Marxist democrats.
Trump able to afford TV again?
RNC expects to rake in $18 million at 2 fund raisers today in Henderson. Gatherings of more than 50 is a no no in Nevada. Event planner grandson has planned a "protest" tonight in Henderson. Temps will be taken and masks will be issued to "protesters." Thousands of deplorables are expected.
any idea what the actual take was?
One thing we know. Pubs are killing it in miniature donations. $25 and $35 and so on. When enthusiasm is measured by any poll, Trump kills it.

One of the two polls that got the last election right is based on turnout and voter excitement for the primaries for each party to nominate a candidate.

Trump had no opposition yet primaried extremely strong showing high voter motivation to get and support their candidate.

In Pennsylvania, Joe’s home state, the RNC signed up 170,000 new voters and the DNC 40,000.

Given what had happened these last almost 4 years, voters are highly motivated to vote for him, even if many are shy voters he will not poll for him by the pollsters.

This poll based on that is predicting a Trump win again and it has only been wrong like 2 times in history.
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I've received calls three different times asking who I supported for President. In each case I told them I would be voting for Biden. I wouldn't vote for Biden if you put a gun to my head.
You're smart.
In this volatile atmosphere, had you stated you were voting for Trump, you very well could've had your address published and a dozen losers with BO in your front yard at 3 AM yelling, "Wake up, mother effer!"

Not funny, it's been happening, a lot.
Please tell Grandson to keep the info coming.....

Agree on their effort to steal, they will need it.
I get so little info. Grandson is super busy. I get tidbits from his mother after he calls her. He tells her they have big rally plans up till election day.

Internal polling looks good in New Hampshire, Virginia, Minnesota, Nevada, Maine at this time. They could be flips. Florida and Hispanics look good, as do Nevada and Hispanics. New Mexico and Hispanics may look good. Activist Hispanics in New Mexico say they will deliver.
This sounds almost to good to be true. I almost don't want to post but RNC internal polling Hispanic approval looks A okay. Hispanics like jobs and law and order.

As we all know, Trump is killing it in enthusiasm. Look at Trump rallies. Fox Business tells me Joe showed somewhere today and was greeted by a handful. Michael Moore was not impressed.
I watch Right Wing Broadcasting on YouTube for all Trump rallies. RWB pans the crowds and shows the thousands, the only network to do so. Big crowd in Moon. Of people. Not a welcoming sight for the Left.

A bunch of rallies planned before election day.
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This is where the R’s need a long game.....forget bringing attention to dead voters and double voters still on voter rolls. Squirrel away the names and wait for Election Day, compare the lists and then raise hell. Hopefully some of the states with majority R’s in the legislature can strangle some of this in the crib as well.
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RNC internal polling now has Trump leading in all battleground states.

New ABC poll has Trump plus 4 in Florida and plus 1 in Arizona. State run polls tend to look more reliable closer to election to save credibility. It's still a bit early for the polls who want to operate as voter suppression. By late October, Trump may be up by 9 in ABC polling.

RNC believes Dimms will create unheard of scenarios in mail voter fraud. RNC believe the Dimms see fraud as their only prayer.
doing fund raising. Internal polling looks good.

Grandson's boss hints at a substantial pay increase with a Trump win. Grandson is giddy.

8 Minnesota Democrat mayors endorse Trump. They see their city economies performing poorly with a Biden win.

Internal polling looks good in New Hampshire, Virginia, Minnesota, Nevada, Maine at this time. They could be flips. Florida and Hispanics look good, as do Nevada and Hispanics. New Mexico and Hispanics may look good. Activist Hispanics in New Mexico say they will deliver.

Grandson is in Moon Township, PA with about 8000 waiting for Trump. Who here believes Biden can draw 8000 flies?

RNC internal polling now has Trump leading in all battleground states.

RNC internal is looking better in Minnesota for Trump and a Senate flip.


So much for that internal polling you kept referencing.:rolleyes:
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You're smart.
In this volatile atmosphere, had you stated you were voting for Trump, you very well could've had your address published and a dozen losers with BO in your front yard at 3 AM yelling, "Wake up, mother effer!"

Not funny, it's been happening, a lot.
Actually it is QUITE funny. You silly bastards.
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RNC internal polling now has Trump leading in all battleground states.

Before we worry about iq, let's unpack some of these predictions. What went wrong?

This is where the R’s need a long game.....forget bringing attention to dead voters and double voters still on voter rolls. Squirrel away the names and wait for Election Day, compare the lists and then raise hell. Hopefully some of the states with majority R’s in the legislature can strangle some of this in the crib as well.


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