What gives with the suffix on your name, man? Did the players have a contest to see who could have the longest name on their jersey?
Junior, III, etc, I get those. I'm a II, myself. I totally understand a young man wanting to step out from behind his father and claim his own identity, but how did you become a "senior?'
That usually means there is a Junior or II running around who is old enough to start having himself misidentified as his old man. Do you have a 16-year-old punk son with a sparse beard running around Waco writing bad checks and you want to avoid confusion? Yeah, prolly not.
When I looked at your Baylor bio, it says you are Ricardo (no junior, no senior, no nada) and your father is Richard, Senior. Now I'm really confused. You both can't be Seniors, can you?
I think rgIII got you Bears all excited about creating bullshit suffixes. Typical Baylor product: pretending to be something or somebody you are not.
OK, I think that completes the board's coverage of the beatdown in Waco tonight.
Junior, III, etc, I get those. I'm a II, myself. I totally understand a young man wanting to step out from behind his father and claim his own identity, but how did you become a "senior?'
That usually means there is a Junior or II running around who is old enough to start having himself misidentified as his old man. Do you have a 16-year-old punk son with a sparse beard running around Waco writing bad checks and you want to avoid confusion? Yeah, prolly not.
When I looked at your Baylor bio, it says you are Ricardo (no junior, no senior, no nada) and your father is Richard, Senior. Now I'm really confused. You both can't be Seniors, can you?
I think rgIII got you Bears all excited about creating bullshit suffixes. Typical Baylor product: pretending to be something or somebody you are not.
OK, I think that completes the board's coverage of the beatdown in Waco tonight.