RFK Jr sets the record straight about how hamas is to blame for Gaza, not Israel

Oct 31, 2022

And I can totally sympathize with him not understanding why the chick is desperate to excuse the actions of the terrorists, and blame Israel. Complete role-reversal, she's viewing the villains as the heroes and the heroes as the villains. And RFK is trying to make logical sense of why she would do this and it is clearly frustrating him.

She makes no logical sense. Our 'libertarian' troll here makes no logical sense.

All their decision-making flows from their politics.

And I can totally sympathize with him not understanding why the chick is desperate to excuse the actions of the terrorists, and blame Israel. Complete role-reversal, she's viewing the villains as the heroes and the heroes as the villains. And RFK is trying to make logical sense of why she would do this and it is clearly frustrating him.

She makes no logical sense. Our 'libertarian' troll here makes no logical sense.

All their decision-making flows from their politics.
Gee I wonder why those poor peace loving Palestinians do not have water? Of course it's Israel's fault for not replacing the water pipes and not providing Hamas more pipe to make missiles they can shoot into Israel.
I’m not going to pretend I understand a religious war that I’m not involved in.

But I’m fairly certain the people in the area we call Palestine could have voted for someone other than Hamas, given themselves a different future and we wouldn’t be here today.

You can’t coexist next to someone who would die trying to kill you, and raises each new generation to think that way.

It’s also important to point out Hamas made that video, not Israel.
I’m not going to pretend I understand a religious war that I’m not involved in.

But I’m fairly certain the people in the area we call Palestine could have voted for someone other than Hamas, given themselves a different future and we wouldn’t be here today.

You can’t coexist next to someone who would die trying to kill you, and raises each new generation to think that way.

It’s also important to point out Hamas made that video, not Israel.
It's real simple for me. Does one side want to destroy my families way of life and kill us all? Yep that's enough for me.
Note the Allahu Akbar chants. This has always been a religious war. When the Jews began to repopulate the area in the late 1800s , Arabs also immigrated. There were not a lot of indigenous Arabs there. There were not a lot of people there at all. The Arabs rejected the partition and a Jewish state because it would not have been Islamic. They were fine with the Jews making the desert bloom and employing Arabs as long as they were Dhimmis. Those uppity Jews decided that they would not be Dhimmis in their ancestral homeland.

Islam is fractured and in the oddest of ways. Shia believe authority descends from Mohamed relatives. Sunnis do not. The descendants of Mohamed are Sunnis and most of the Shia are Persians. The king of Jordan should be the rightful ruler of all of Islam as he supposedly is a descendant of Mohamed. But the Hashemites were kicked out of Saudi Arabia by the house of Saud because they were going to make peace with the Jews. They then became the kings of Iraq and Jordan. Even the House of Saud which created this mess is seemingly willing to live in peace with Israel. But now Shia controlled Iran is stirring up this mess and have an ally in Sunni org Hamas.

The House of Saud created Wahhabism and is split even among themselves. One thing the Wahabis of Arabia and Twelvers of Iran are good at, is terrorism. Its their major export.

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