Rep Omar

The Somali gangs have wrecked Minneapolis. Violent crime up 60%.
(see downside of low IQ/inherent rage from rampant inbreeding)

A rape and be-heading at the hands of ISIS might change her opinion when she meets Allah. She is an American now, could happen. She is on the wrong side and has no clue.
what the hell happened from 2008 to 2016 that made this woman electable and gave her a voice in the united states congress?

what’s worse is all the snowflakes that come marching to her defense

and it’s not so much what she said, context can get twisted tho in her case it does not seem so, it’s her agnostic attitude towards the america i grew up in

this isn’t kareem abdul jabber mohammed ali ahmad rashad type islam

she’s an angry woman representing angry people with a completely different set of values, making no effort to assimilate into american society
I would like a full breakdown of the civil liberties that were lost after some people did something.
@realDonaldTrump To manipulate words from a sitting congressperson to enrage your base and stoke division is beneath the dignity of your office, even for you. I miss when Presidents of both parties were statesmen and leaders, not tax cheats and obstructers. #IStandWithIlhanOmar
Isn't manipulating of someone's words what Rep. Lieu and Formerly Fat Now Just Plump Nadler did to Candace Owens during her testimony a couple of days ago?
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this gonna get worse before it gets better

your baseline american doesn’t much give two shits about what this lady thinks about our country

what the hell happened from 2008 to 2016 that made this woman electable and gave her a voice in the united states congress?

what’s worse is all the snowflakes that come marching to her defense

and it’s not so much what she said, context can get twisted tho in her case it does not seem so, it’s her agnostic attitude towards the america i grew up in

this isn’t kareem abdul jabber mohammed ali ahmad rashad type islam

she’s an angry woman representing angry people with a completely different set of values, making no effort to assimilate into american society
That's right mi amigo, and if it were in her grasp, the Constitution would be burned and summarily replaced with the 7th century tenets of Sharia law. She's seditious to say the least.
Let’s break this down as this tweet is so full of crap

“This country was founded on the ideas of justice, of liberty, of the pursuit of happiness.”—but now we want the government to pay for you to have theses things.

“ But these core beliefs are under threat. Each and every day. “ — we now have a president that doesn’t cower to MSM opinion and calls a spade a spade. Nothing he has proposed has taken the rights away of actual citizens.

“We are under threat by an administration that would rather cage children than pass comprehensive immigration reform.”— um that’s congress’s job. He did propose a really level headed plan and because the Republicans can’t seem to stop shooting themselves in the foot kept it from passing.

Maybe her time would be better spent telling her fellow Muslims to stop hating the west and get productive and pull your crap hole countries out of the Middle Ages. If that had happened she wouldn’t have had to seek asylum here.
She’s disgusting. Horrible brand ambassador for:

People of color*
brown people*

* racist, exclusionary, collectivist bullshit terms.

Agree Mega, but of greater concern to me is how she successfully ran for this office and was elected, especially given her propensity to do dumb things prior to being nominated. Obviously the media aided and abetted her by wanting her elected worse than wanting people to know what a bat shit crazy person she is. But is she a new type of "Manchurian candidate" or was she elected by a large number of similarly minded people, in an enclave of similarly held beliefs?

The flip side though, is that for moderates of either stripe, she is manna from heaven! Between her the other muslim chick and AOC they are consistently on the airwaves whining about an injustice or defending something dumb she (they) have said. No moderate can look at these three and be comfortable, especially given the lame rebukes they get from their own party and their propensity to steal all the oxygen in the room. Not that there is any shortage of putz's in the liberal lineup but these three are further micro-fracturing a party that is already all over the place.

I'll go ahead and predict two of those three get primaried out or flat out beaten in their next election.
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