Rental property in NW OKC/Edmond?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 28, 2007
I am looking for a place to live in the NW OKC/Edmond area. I will be working at Deer Creek HS, so I would like to find something within 15 minutes of the school if possible. Does anyone here own any rental property, or have connections to someone who could help a Cowgirl out? I would really like to find a small house or duplex/townhouse if possible, as I'm not super thrilled about apartment living again. I will be living on a solo teacher's paycheck, so can't spend a fortune. I am looking to move in July. Thanks for any help!
I don't have any insights to lodging but I'd choose NW Okc over Edmond. Edmond is just too congested for me. The whole layout of Edmond was not thought out all that well in my opinion. Traffic seems more congested to me.
Yeah, it sucks. Luckily I'll either be traveling at 7AM or 8 PM so it shouldn't be too terrible for my commute.
I live around 158th and Penn.

Lots of rental homes in the area.

Sorry, but I don't have any inside knowledge or contacts beyond that.

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