Remember When Democrats Told Us The Bidens Selling Influence Was A Conspiracy Theory


The people who work your mouth have the same respect for you as I do.

I still would like to compare my Genelex Labs documents with Kumula. I read her dad say she ain't of color. My skin tone changes colors in photos just as hers does. If there's ever a question of DNA admix it's a good idea of having proof, just as I do. I paid $600 for the absolute real deal. To prove Sub-Saharan African descent, $108 and a saliva sample is all that's needed.

I would bet LAY THE WOODY is black. I wanna see lab proof that he is not. How fair can that be, my_20mills?
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The people who work your mouth have the same respect for you as I do.

You know the difference between normal conservative law abiding folks and a single celled organism like 2 pesos, is that if ANYONE that I voted for or would vote for did this crap I want them prosecuted and thrown in jail.

Now of course the single celled organisms tribe will come back and say well Trump is a felon, and at the moment technically he is. But the big difference is his conviction will be thrown out when the time comes because all they were trying to do was keep him from being president again. When it is finally overturned and the conviction voided what then 2 pesos?

I'm not a blind adherent to the "tribe" and while I wished trump had not run again he's here so I'll vote for the man warts and all. The single celled crowd would vote for nearly anyone (maybe anyone) to stop Trump or a conservative. I'm selfish in that would like to retire in 3 years, 11 months and 10 days and between now and then I need the stock market to do well and inflation to be handled. None of which Kamala can do, per her performance the last 42 months.

That people would prefer more of the same, then to demand better is astonishing. For the single celled group its like offering them a new Toyota Tundra TRD and a new Raptor for free, but they would rather walk so they leave both the vehicles sitting there and trudge off for more of the same, more of the same and yet more of the same. Harris and her socialist club freak will be a disaster for this country in the beginning but with another election cycle coming in 18 months after the presidential election the parasitic whores in congress will go into CYA mode and try to stop the absolute nonsense that will come from the Harris and stolen valor ticket, if elected.

This country needs a Convention of States which churns out amendments that will pass easily, like term limits for the congressional whores, no more birthright citizenship, balanced budget, ripping the heart out of the employment numbers in the federal government and returning management of state resource lands to the states. That's just for a start.

The media, one of the least like organizations in the US, is running cover for Harris and stolen valor not because they will do what's best for ordinary Americans, but because they are ideologically aligned and in their deepest recesses hate this incredibly amazing country and want to be involved in the desecration of people who founded the greatness and through the decades made us even greater.

I guess in the end though, if you don't have much and are promised everything, then it is easier to believe those promises will manifest themselves to abridge all the wrongs you have experienced in life. Not actually teach you to dwell in your own success through your labor and dedication. SMH

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