Red States Bitch Stomping Blue States Square in the Nads


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
Pretty much out there for the entire world to see. The Pedo says another “pandemic” is coming. It’ll be fun watching the country flip him and his ilk the proverbial F.U. if and when that happens.

“Red states now have more people at work than before the pandemic as they recover faster economically than their blue state peers. Tennessee enjoyed the highest inflation-adjusted GDP growth in America last year while the state’s unemployment sank to an all-time low. Democrat-run states, by contrast, have collectively lost roughly 1.3 million jobs since the start of the pandemic more than two and a half years ago. Moody’s Back to Normal Index shows eight out of ten states at the bottom for their economy, jobs, retail sales, and home listings are all deep blue.”

In other news water is wet. Democrats are intent on destroying this country and becoming part of the New World Order.
I recommend American Marxism by Mark Levin. Mr. Levin uses small words in explaining the former Democrat Party? Think the board's slow 10 can catch on? Believe I can ask a stupid question? You guessed right.