Real Wages Now Lower Than Before COVID Thanks To Inflation


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Thanks Democrats. Wiped out three years of poor and middleclass wage growth in less than a year, great job.

Thanks Democrats. Wiped out three years of poor and middleclass wage growth in less than a year, great job.

Have democrats thrown gas on the fire? Yes. Did this ridiculous spending just start when Biden took over? No.

Hold the Fed AND the duopoly accountable and people might start paying attention.
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Have democrats thrown gas on the fire? Yes. Did this ridiculous spending just start when Biden took over? No.

Hold the Fed AND the duopoly accountable and people might start paying attention.
Why start now? We've never held the fed responsible for their malfeasance. We've always held the president in charge at the time of the occurrence responsible.
Who among us listened to Brandon in Democrat debates? Brandon didn't actively campaign. Remember Brandon "crowds" at campaign rallies in Phoenix and Scranton?

Did Brandon not promise economic stagnation and higher crime rates? Of course silly me. I thought I was 1/4 black.
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