Rank the Star Wars movies


Oct 29, 2008
Happy rogue one week!! Thought this would be fun.

Rank them:

1977: Episode IV New Hope
1980: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
1983: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
1999: Episode I The Phantom Menace
2002: Episode II Attack of the Clones
2005: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
2015: Episode VII The Force Awakens
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Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
Episode IV A New Hope
Episode VI Return of the Jedi
Episode VII The Force Awakens

Repressed all memories I had of the rest.
I am expecting Rogue 1 to be no worse than 3rd on the above list.
No matter how many times TBS want to try to replay 1,2,3 I refuse to watch. My favorite is still IV. After that VII, V, and then VI. Although there's about a 30 minute stretch in VI that I just skip.
No matter how many times TBS want to try to replay 1,2,3 I refuse to watch. My favorite is still IV. After that VII, V, and then VI. Although there's about a 30 minute stretch in VI that I just skip.
Ewok scene?
A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back are the only ones I care for. But I haven't seen Episide 7.
  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. The Force Awakens
  5. Revenge of the Sith
  6. Attack of the Clone
  7. The Phantom Menace
I'll let you know where Rogue One is on Thursday.
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I hate I, but not as much as I hate II.

1 - V
2 - VI (the first half)
3 - IV
4 - VII
5 - VI (the second half)
6 - III
7 - I
8 - II
Happy rogue one week!! Thought this would be fun.

Rank them:

1977: Episode IV New Hope
1980: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
1983: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
1999: Episode I The Phantom Menace
2002: Episode II Attack of the Clones
2005: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
2015: Episode VII The Force Awakens

V: Best story and portrayal of Darth Vader
Rogue One: Very good movie and second best story
VI: Best special effects of the first 6
VII/IV: Basically same movies, and star killer base could not have been built between VI and VII
I: Best acting of the prequels by far
II: Love the ending once the clone troopers show up, but too much cgi and non believable love story
III: Emperor becomes a cartoon villain and Anakin turns too quickly for stupid reasons
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What is this Ewok scene you speak of? In my version there are no Ewok's
Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith was cringe worthy. Hayden Christenson was a poor choice to play Skywalker. The Force Awakens had cringe worthy moments, though not as bad. Jar Jar Binks was irritating, but Phantom Menace had its moments.

My ranking:

Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 1
Episode 7
Episode 2
Episode 3

Rogue One looks really good to me. I can't wait.
I need to rewatch the prequel trilogy again. Looks like many have placed Ep I as the best of those.
V Best story and portrayal of Darth Vader
VI Best special effects of the first 6
VII/IV Basically same movies, and star killer base could not have been built between VI and VII
I Best acting of the prequels by far
II Love the ending once the clone troopers show up, but too much cgi and non believable love story
III Emperor becomes a cartoon villain and Anakin turns too quickly for stupid reasons

V isn't just Vader's best movie.

It's Han Solo's best also (which makes it Chewy's best as well).
I really just like 2 the rest suck...

1. IV A New Hope The original will always be number one as far as impact because it was like nothing before.
2. V The Empire Strikes Back - I know the nerds all claim this is the best movie. Top five sequel of all time for sure.
3. VI Return of the Jedi - Closed the original loses points for Ewoks
4. VII The Force Awakens - Solid effort. Play heavily on sentiment. Not as good as the original three but far better then 1-3. It really does give a new hope.
5. III Revenge of the Sith - Closed the loop and savaged the first three
6. I The Phantom Menance - Suffered primarily from over anticipation and hype. Two major uncomfortable elements. 1. The existence of Jar Jar Binks. 2. The fact that you knew that ten year old boy was eventually going to nail 18 year old Natalie Portman. Torn between wanting to call CPS and thinking the force really was looking out for him.
7. II The Clone Wars - Just seem to be killing time while filling in backstory.
5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1, 2

I've heard that 3.5 is the best yet. And I will strangle the person who posts spoilers here.
I've been immersing myself in Star Wars theories on youtube. Even if they are out there you still learn a lot. I had forgotten about ET's being in Star Wars and yoda being in ET.
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V. Best. Period. End of discussion.
IV. The original
VII - awesome BUT VIII better not be a reboot of Empire or this one will fall in the rankings
VI - Ewoks suck and it seems to drag during he whole Jabba thing


III - solid but some cringe worthy sprinkles
I - needed more Qui-Gon and Darth Maul, less gungan
II - the acting and plot are so bad in this one it is inexcusable.
New ranking after seeing Rogue One.

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Rogue One
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Attack of the Clones
  8. Phantom Menace
New ranking after seeing Rogue One.

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. A New Hope
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. Rogue One
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Attack of the Clones
  8. Phantom Menace
High praise but reflects all I've seen. Glad it's better than TFA.
If I have to rank Rogue One with the others I would rank it 4th or 5th.

If I could rank them just as movies and not Star Wars movies I might rank it 3rd.

It's not Star Wars for much of the film.
With 48 hours to sit on it...

1 - ESB, V
2 - ANH, IV
3 - ROTJ, VI
4 - TFA, VII

5 - Rogue

7 - TPM, I
8 - AOTC, II

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