Rank DJT Acceptance Speech


May 29, 2001
1 - absolutely horrible 10 - all time great

Some people just don't understand "Less is More". The speech went waaaay too long. The Mrs. and I kept saying "wrap it up!"
I'm sure he lost a lot of his TV audience after about an hour...even a good preacher knows your audience has a limited attention span.
We kept waiting for him to promise "a chicken in every pot". Hope he follows through with curing cancer..... :)

I'll give the speech a solid 4.
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The speech was a little too long. That all said this speech was not directed at MAGA supporters whose votes he already has. It was primarily directed at those who did not vote for him in the last election over mean tweets. A lot of time spent humanizing Trump this week.

He was not an attack dog, he did show some ego but BFD, that is not why some did not vote for him in the last election . He was not mean last night, and he was that way for a very long speech, in that respect that showed some good emotional control. I thought his delivery was exactly as I expected based on who he was trying to win over, the length surprised me.

He was trying to appeal to those who are undecided with their votes. That was not the typical DJT we saw last night, and that was the POINT, he was not trying to win over MAGA supporters. MAGA supporters know he is on point with the issues that matter to him.

Last night, I found myself asking: I wonder if the 2 older women in my office that did not vote for him in the last election over mean tweets have had a change of heart? I don't know that answer, but that IS the question. I told both of them prior to the last election: Biden will destroy the economy and Russia will get aggressive seeing a super weak leader. That was the last time I talked politics with them, probably will not again unless they bring it up.

The libs will say it was awful, and MAGA supporters will say he was not on offense enough. The other issue he had, who is he suppose to go on offense against? Right now we don't really know who the Dim nominee will be. Right now his comments are towards the "administration", Trump is more use to being on offense with a known individual.

Probably the highest IQ person I know, told me after the last debate, that Trump needed to be careful and not come across as too much of a bully and just beating up on an old, weak, senile man. Said at some point it would backfire, and he is pro Trump. Another comment made last night to me was Trump will not go back on offense until Corey is put to rest.

If it is Kamala? Hopefully we see Trump back to himself and he gets a catchy nickname for her. My vote is for Czar. She was the border czar and failed horribly, it would stick. The "incompetent Czar Kamala Harris could not even seal the border, so easy to do, so easy. She can't do anything, totally incapable".

The real measurement of the success of the speech will be polling.

At the end of the day after the next Presidential debate? This convention will be forgotten. One goal of the convention was to fire up the people in attendance to go back to their states and get the ground game to get votes for DJT. It was the most united GOP convention in a LONG time, it was not our Grandpa's GOP convention, and they did a great job over the 4 days of outlining this Admin's complete failures, how successful DJT was on those issues while in office, and his goal to do it again. It was a great convention, the GOP is united, you have Libs over the last week self cancel themselves (so well deserved BTW), the Dims are in total disarray, and now the campaign really begins. The GOP has a candidate that clearly has no need to run for Prez other than the love of the country, willing to die for this country, and the bravery to lead with bullets being shot at his head.
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he checked all the boxes, crime, immigration, inflation, ev's, fossil fuels, etc. s h been done in an hour. but overall he gave a great rallying speech. and his supporters are ready to walk on hot coals for him. can any demorat say that about his/her supporters? don't think so. demorats are in cya mode.

one bullet at a time
Never been a fan of Trump speeches but this opinion written by Fox News Doug Schoen pretty well summarizes what occurred last night. Safe to say, last night probably was game, set and match for Donald Trump. A far left wing thinking person can swoop in and try to spin things but most of what is going to be said is like water on a duck's back.

Too dramatic. Be straight forward and too the point I thought he had a great chance to quell the divisiveness in the country. Be straight forward and to the point. I understand the drama driving the the point

After the attempt to kill him. Covered his agenda. The entire speach a 6-7
He went way too long. If he finished the way he started, with a softer tone and sticking to the script, he would have won over a lot more people who are on the fence.

Instead, he went off the script and back into MAGA mode for the last hour and lost a lot of moderates who are undecided.

Here’s probably the best way to sum it up: the first third of the speech was for the fence-sitters and the last third was for his base. In the middle was very meh.
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Too dramatic. Be straight forward and too the point I thought he had a great chance to quell the divisiveness in the country. Be straight forward and to the point. I understand the drama driving the the point

After the attempt to kill him. Covered his agenda. The entire speach a 6-7

If you saw his Saturday speech in Grand Rapids, you would hear him say that coming after Biden is fair game since Biden weaponized the DoJ against him. I have no problem with him attacking the left. They created the divisiveness and have not stopped, even after Trump gets shot. To think that he need to be gentle and kind is old-school pussy Republican cowering.
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Instead, he went off the script and back into MAGA mode for the last hour and lost a lot of moderates who are undecided.

MAGA means Make America Great Again. Anyone who has a problem with making America great IS THE problem. Screw them. They will vote Democrat anyway. They hate Trump more than they love their country.
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Have to go with a 10 1/2 just because he is still grabbing libtards by the Pu$$y after all these years. 🤣🤣

Aint yore big fat stanky giney's sore yet tards?

MAGA means Make America Great Again. Anyone who has a problem with making America great IS THE problem. Screw them. They will vote Democrat anyway. They hate Trump more than they love their country.
I believe Trump and the MAGA faithful are on the precipice of an historic blowout election victory at which time you will have the opportunity to implement the full MAGA agenda (to the extent there is a cohesive MAGA agenda). It is then our country will discover exactly what MAGA is intended to do and whether it can do it. You should be bristling with confidence and good cheer. It is confusing to me why you remain filled with hatred toward your vanquished enemy.
9 out of 10.
Trump's somber disposition came across as confidence. Overall he's still not a great public speaker, but content and delivery was excellent.

Libturds be afriad - your DIE departments are getting flushed, the Federal government will get restructured to support the American Citizen by Trump, Legislature (Red sweep) and the Judiciary (Chevron Deference struck down).

New theme song for Libturdians...
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I can’t help but think what a Democrats speech would be like after surviving an assassination attempt just a few days prior. Would the Democrat have been as mild as Trump was or would they have been attacking their political opponents they blame for the attempt?
Very mid, so I'm rating it a 5.

His speeches he delivers at rallies are much better. He went two hours Saturday night and it was tremendous.
Completely agree with 5. I fell asleep. Also agree with Saturday, it was great.
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