It's weird that out of all of the other things in life that require a photo ID, Democrats think minorities can't get one to vote.That guy is angry because he has to explain the obvious. It’s frustrating that there are millions of syskatines and pokebears in the world trying to tell people they can’t do shit on their own.
It's weird that out of all of the other things in life that require a photo ID, Democrats think minorities can't get one to vote.
Buying smokes, buying booze, cashing a check, using a credit card, renting a car, staying at a hotel, picking up prescriptions, applying for welfare, applying for food stamps, getting a cellphone, buying nail polish, buying dextromethorphan, buying pseudoephedrine...That is one of my favorite racist no racist things they try and stand for. You would think getting a loan, signing a lease, seeing a dr. Etc. would be an important cause for them to take up in the ID department.
Is this the same crazy black guy they roll out to stand behind Fatass at his rallies and he holds up the crazy god website?
Black people that support Trump are crazy? Look at that racism flow. I'm shocked.Is this the same crazy black guy they roll out to stand behind Fatass at his rallies and he holds up the crazy god website?
Black people that support Trump are crazy? Look at that racism flow. I'm shocked.
She’s not married to a black guy (is any neoliberal?), though she slept with a powerful married black guy with children to launch her career (home-wrecker).
And we know how much that just bothered you when Trump did x100 times worse.
Oh look, another liberal pointed out hypocrisy so we call them pissed off or triggered. Maybe eventually nobody will hurt our feelers.
I go to the voting booth. Real revolution occurs there."Unborn children" = mass of human cells = Dr's are mass murderers = sit on your ass and do nothing about murdering babies?
I go to the voting booth. Real revolution occurs there.
Inciting violence is something lawless commies do.
I go to the voting booth. Real revolution occurs there.
Inciting violence is something lawless commies do.
And we know how much that just bothered you when Trump did x100 times worse.
I go to the voting booth. Real revolution occurs there.
Inciting violence is something lawless commies do.
Because he ran for president as a republican?You’re still in denial about why people voted for Trump.
Every minute you wait countless children are murderedFine. I'm starting a militia and the first mofos we're coming after are you limp-wristed Commies that have ruined everything about this great country.
Wipe several thousand of you Godless America haters off the face of the earth and everyone else will fall in line.
You godless pagans are violent people aren't you?Every minute you wait countless children are murdered
You’re still in denial about why people voted for Trump.
Unborn fetuses are not a "mass of human cells" any more than a neonate is a "mass of human cells." The fetus develops distinct structures and organ systems very early in pregnancy. Did you think they magically arrange themselves into human form the day they're born?"Unborn children" = mass of human cells = Dr's are mass murderers = sit on your ass and do nothing about murdering babies?
Unborn fetuses are not a "mass of human cells" any more than a neonate is a "mass of human cells." The fetus develops distinct structures and organ systems very early in pregnancy. Did you think they magically arrange themselves into human form the day they're born?
This is why progressives look like idiots when discussing abortion.
I don't consider routine medical procedures to be violent per seYou godless pagans are violent people aren't you?
LOL I had that figured out the second he hired people to cheer for him. Same reason they put Dennis Hastert in the Speaker's chair. They're soulless morons.
And we know how much that just bothered you when Trump did x100 times worse.
Trump didn't whore himself out to advance his career, he advanced the careers of women willing to whore themselves out.
Think of it this way, if Kamala is willing to whore herself out to an old man to advance her political career what else is she willing to do to advance herself?
First sentence: lol the mental gymnastics. So?
Second sentence: I agree, but that doesnt legitimize Fatass groping and sleazing and paying and barebackin' whores w a new wife and infant... never mind. You're right, her sexual practices are concerning but his are not I guess.
You blind?I don't consider routine medical procedures to be violent per se