R&R HOF 2017


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 11, 2003
Announcement is out ..

Joan Baez
Electric Light Orchestra
Tupac Shakur
Pearl Jam

Not a bad line up. I really wish Yes would have made it in while Chris was still alive.

Be interesting to see if Steve Perry joins the band.
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Journey and ELO should have been in a long time ago.

Of course the R&R HOF is a joke in the first place so I suppose it doesn't really matter. KISS was inducted 10 to 15 years later than they should have.

I'm betting Ted Nugent never gets a sniff with those liberal betas making the decisions.

Have the Ramones been inducted yet?
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Me on the RRHOF 1995, "Cool deal, can't believe there isn't already one."

Me on the RRHOF 2016, "Meh, too much, 'can't let him in he owns guns', or 'no way, he's a Republican' and 'can't let them in they all slept with my bassists girlfriend'. (Yeah, right, like a bassist really gets anything unless the rest of the band helps)
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Actually, this group is better than I've seen in a long time. Who is Tupac Shakur? Still waiting for Styx and Kansas...may not ever see them in hall. It's a joke.
This is one of those rant-worthy topics, and I know everybody's got an opinion & it's probably right. With that said...

Granted my age probably has a lot to do with this... but I don't get the inclusion of or outcry for bands like Deep Purple, Yes, Thin Lizzy, Cheap Trick, Iron Maiden, Joan Baez, Ted Nugget, Tupac, etc. ... Seriously?
  • Deep Purple - Listen, I get "Smoke on the Water" of the greatest rock songs ever, but I couldn't tell you another song ever done by Deep Purple...can't even tell you a single member of their band for certain...I think I read here once...during a similar post/debate that David Coverdale was in the band; I do know who he is...from his White Snake days. Why are they in the Hall of Fame?!
  • Thin Lizzy - I really like the "Boys are Back"...not sure I can name another song.
  • Yes - I know one it "Owner of a Lonely Heart"?
  • Tupac - "California" - one of the greatest hip-hop songs ever...can't tell you another song he's done.
    • Is Dr. Dre in the hall of fame? (I really don't know.) He would be 1000X more worthy and Tupac, imo.
  • Iron Maiden - couldn't name one song.
  • Cheap Trick - I think I know one song.
  • Judiest Priest - all I know of them is that their lead singer is gay...I think.
  • Joan f'n Baez - really, I haven't a clue, couldn't name one damn thing she's done. I'm pretty sure she's a 60's folk singer. I'm not anti-folk either - I love Bob Dylan & James Taylor....but then again...they're popular.
I guess what weight is given to what criteria is also important, when people argue about this stuff, but I'm a big believe in popularity... probably means I'm superficial or that I don't understand some deep underlying significance of some band or movement. cross to bear.

As to this year's class, imo, Journey & Peral Jam are no-brainers for me. ELO is close, but I'm not sure they belong. The others... they don't belong, imo. Although, I read where Nile Rogers is getting in as some type of "contributor"; that's probably deserved.
Why would Tupac be inducted into a rock and roll hof?
There are several hip-hop acts in the hall. I think NWA & Public Enemy are in...the Beastie Boys.

I mean Madonna & Leonard Cohen are in. I think rappers are wayyy more "rock-n-roll" than pop, just my opinion.
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If popularity is your measuring stick, then Justin Bieber will eventually be in.

Yes - one of the best and most influential prog rock bands in history. Amazing musicians.

Iron Maiden - 90 million albums sold. Huge concert draw.

Priest - leaders of the British Invasion of metal. Pioneered twin lead guitars and double bass pedals in metal.

Deep Purple:
1/3 of the unholy trinity of British hard rock, with Zeppelin and Sabbath
over 100 million albums sold.
Considered a major and primary influence by almost every hard rock and metal band, including Priest, Queen, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Alice In Chains, Rush, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Def Leppard, and the list goes on and on.

You probably know other Deep Purple songs, you just don't know it is Deep Purple.
Highway Star
Knocking at your back door
Perfect Strangers
Woman from Tokyo

I'd suggest going to YouTube and listening to some of the music you are unfamiliar with.
yes is an auto-in...I can see all of those getting in as well.
If popularity is your measuring stick, then Justin Bieber will eventually be in.

Yes - one of the best and most influential prog rock bands in history. Amazing musicians.

Iron Maiden - 90 million albums sold. Huge concert draw.

Priest - leaders of the British Invasion of metal. Pioneered twin lead guitars and double bass pedals in metal.

Deep Purple:
1/3 of the unholy trinity of British hard rock, with Zeppelin and Sabbath
over 100 million albums sold.
Considered a major and primary influence by almost every hard rock and metal band, including Priest, Queen, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Alice In Chains, Rush, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Def Leppard, and the list goes on and on.

You probably know other Deep Purple songs, you just don't know it is Deep Purple.
Highway Star
Knocking at your back door
Perfect Strangers
Woman from Tokyo

I'd suggest going to YouTube and listening to some of the music you are unfamiliar with.
No SPACE TRUCKIN'!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Dire Straits gets my vote as a band who should be in.


BTW, my version of hell is having to listen to Steve Perry sing, na, na, na over and over.

Really liked Journey in high school, rushed out and bought their 4th album and discovered..... it had virtually nothing in common with the first 3. They had gone from sort of a rock-fusion style band (think something along the lines of Santana, which makes sense when you consider Neal Schon had just left Santana) to some sort of generic "pop" sound IMO.

I know that their popularity went way up after Perry joined the band, but I felt like they grew in popularity the way McDonald's hamburgers were so popular..... in other words just because they sold a lot of albums did not make their music "quality." I realize I'm probably in a minority on this one, but when I think Journey I just think pre-packaged and generic (what used to be referred to as "Madison Ave Rock") and get that feeling of fingernails on chalkboard when I think of Perry's voice.

I will point this out once again, this entire mess is not so much about the music as it is about raising money. It's very similar to the process of getting a "star" on Hollywood Blvd, where if you get enough people to raise the money and sign a petition, you too can likely get a "star" even with a very mediocre career in any of the honored "mediums" (Radio, TV, Film, Theater, Records.)
The Rock N Roll HOF has cast a wide net from day one. Were Johnny Cash & Leonard Cohen rock N roll? Not primarily. Add in the influencer category and you're all over the place. It's been a moving target for sure. Joan Baes and Tupac were at the top of their respective genres. Tupac is certainly help by the died young and tragically factor. Never underestimate that in fame. Rap has now hit the magic 25 year mark as a genres so expect to see one a year for the next decade.

There's absolutely no public clear cut criteria for selection but a few things have emerged over the years. Industry respect as a musician is more important then public popularity. Influences of others is always a key buzz word. Being a pioneer in a genres (Joan Baes) and uniqueness are big points. Writing your own material (sorry Three Dog Night) is huge. Having a "bit" (see Kiss) is a definite drawback to being taken seriously.

It always amazes me how personally offended and opinionated people are about the selections. The that's not rock N roll because I don't like it (Tupac) and the world is bias against my man crush (Nuggent) crowds are as reliable as death and taxes.
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Steve Miller raised all kinds of hell last year, and I couldn't tell if he was being a diva, or was right, or both. He said some things about the rrhof that were disappointing if true. I don't know what to believe about it.

Announcement is out ..

Joan Baez
Electric Light Orchestra
Tupac Shakur
Pearl Jam

Be interesting to see if Steve Perry joins the band.

I guess I'm the only one that struggles with rap artists in the rrhof. Pretty strong lineup though.

I'm betting Ted Nugent never gets a sniff with those liberal betas making the decisions.

Ol' Shitzenbritches never gets in. Two American rules: you don't bet on baseball and get in the BHOF and you can't crap yourself to avoid the draft, then act tough, then get into the RRHOF. He's too beta.
Steve Miller raised all kinds of hell last year, and I couldn't tell if he was being a diva, or was right, or both. He said some things about the rrhof that were disappointing if true. I don't know what to believe about it.

I guess I'm the only one that struggles with rap artists in the rrhof. Pretty strong lineup though.

Ol' Shitzenbritches never gets in. Two American rules: you don't bet on baseball and get in the BHOF and you can't crap yourself to avoid the draft, then act tough, then get into the RRHOF. He's too beta.

Lol! I forgot about that story! Yeah. He's a fake tough guy.

Then again, is the RRHOF really full of tough guys ?

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