Have the Ramones been inducted yet?
There are several hip-hop acts in the hall. I think NWA & Public Enemy are in...the Beastie Boys.Why would Tupac be inducted into a rock and roll hof?
No SPACE TRUCKIN'!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!If popularity is your measuring stick, then Justin Bieber will eventually be in.
Yes - one of the best and most influential prog rock bands in history. Amazing musicians.
Iron Maiden - 90 million albums sold. Huge concert draw.
Priest - leaders of the British Invasion of metal. Pioneered twin lead guitars and double bass pedals in metal.
Deep Purple:
1/3 of the unholy trinity of British hard rock, with Zeppelin and Sabbath
over 100 million albums sold.
Considered a major and primary influence by almost every hard rock and metal band, including Priest, Queen, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Alice In Chains, Rush, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Def Leppard, and the list goes on and on.
You probably know other Deep Purple songs, you just don't know it is Deep Purple.
Highway Star
Knocking at your back door
Perfect Strangers
Woman from Tokyo
I'd suggest going to YouTube and listening to some of the music you are unfamiliar with.
No SPACE TRUCKIN'!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Johnny Cash was absolutely a rock star. Not a stretch at all.
Announcement is out ..
Joan Baez
Electric Light Orchestra
Tupac Shakur
Pearl Jam
Be interesting to see if Steve Perry joins the band.
I'm betting Ted Nugent never gets a sniff with those liberal betas making the decisions.
Steve Miller raised all kinds of hell last year, and I couldn't tell if he was being a diva, or was right, or both. He said some things about the rrhof that were disappointing if true. I don't know what to believe about it.
I guess I'm the only one that struggles with rap artists in the rrhof. Pretty strong lineup though.
Ol' Shitzenbritches never gets in. Two American rules: you don't bet on baseball and get in the BHOF and you can't crap yourself to avoid the draft, then act tough, then get into the RRHOF. He's too beta.