I have made no secret of my libertarian beliefs. Occasionally I have been criticized for being an idealist and a utopian, both descriptions of which I accept. Many times on this board I have made references to philosophical principles and the frequent lack thereof I see in some comments. What are some of your principles? I mean a bedrock belief from which you will not budge. A principle is an irreducible primary, a belief so strong within you that you would rather die than betray it. As a libertarian my bedrock principle lies within the concept of individual liberty. Does a governmental policy protect, defend and/or advance liberty, or does it abuse or deny it? Every political comment I make is through that lens. What about you? Is there such a principle within you? Is there a line you would refuse to cross? Are you consistent in your practice? Can you apply your principle every time, no exceptions? There is a Milton Friedman video where he pokes fun at some of his banker friends, men who declare their undying support for small government and markets free from government interference, until it comes to the banking industry. Then, oh, no banking is different! The banking industry must be regulated for the good of the people! Those bankers were not consistent in their belief. The principle they claimed to espouse was nothing but a ruse. And, yet, not a single one of them were capable of seeing the contradiction of their attitude. How about you? Is there a principle you espouse and will not turn your back on it regardless of the cost to you? Discuss!
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