Question for the computer savvy

Been Jammin

Jun 27, 2003
So, I have had this issue with multiple laptops and have never figured out how to fix it. I'm sure I am not the only one, so one of you smarties knows how to help me. I am referring to what I call the "jumping cursor". Let's say I am typing a long post on this site. Suddenly the words i am typing will appear in the middle of my post, rather than at the end where they belong. I understand that the reason for this has to do with a sensitive mouse pad and me accidentally brushing it with a finger or my palm. I just don't know how to make it less sensitive yet still fully functional when I want to use the mouse pad. I am currently using Windows 10 (which sucks, IMO) on this laptop.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Ripples in space-time.

Just so you know. I got really excited when I saw that you replied. My first reaction was, "The Duke is a really smart dude. He will give me a simple answer and save me hours of future frustration". I couldn't click on the thread fast enough. Then I read that pile of dung masquerading as an answer to my question.

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Ask @Cowpoke. He knows everything about computers.

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Been I don't know Windows 10 I am still holding out but look for the control panel and then mouse pad it might be a setting in that folder or what ever you call the icon things
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Is it always on laptops that you're having this issue? If so, I wonder if it is your palms hitting the touchpad by mistake. If you use a mouse, just disable the touchpad until you need it next.
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Is it always on laptops that you're having this issue? If so, I wonder if it is your palms hitting the touchpad by mistake. If you use a mouse, just disable the touchpad until you need it next.

Yes, it is always on a laptop. And yes, I am sure it has to do with palms/tip of thumb accidentally hitting the touchpad. As to your solution...what a pain in the ass. Is there not a way to make the touchpad less sensitive?
I've googled it a few times. The problem is that I find about 10 different answers and it varies between computer models and versions of Windows. I think I may have figured it out. I disabled the "tap to click" feature on the mouse pad. We shall see what happens.
You can change the delay on the touchpad, but depending on how you type, it won't really matter that much. An inconvenience at best really.

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