Just about everyone on this board, myself included (probably more than most) complain about the bias news reporting by the Main Stream Media. But, really, what is the MSM? On the radio Rush Limbaugh is the number one listened to program, followed by Sean Hannity at number three and Glenn Beck at number 8. Michael Savage and Mark Levin are household names. Fox News is the most watched cable news station, and has had superstars like Bill O'reilly, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham. Pundits like Ann Coulter, Eric Erickson and others are read by millions of people daily. So my question is: why are these outlets not considered part of the mainstream media? Why is someone like Rachael Maddow considered mainstream, but Rush Limbaugh is not? Why do left-leaning publications and commentators get to be called mainstream, but right-leaning ones do not? It's one of those things that make you go hmm.