The Nuclear todddler age.It truly is pure insanity. It's like a child.
National security? Your lust for gold blinds you to its weight on your back.Not at all. Just reminding you nerds that you are missing the forest for a tree. Probably a tree you are supposed to obsess over.
Your lust for gold blinds you to it’s weight on your back.
More than welcome, just if you can, use the version where I corrected my dumb ass grammar.Whoa Dude, that's some heavy shit you're laying down, man. This is good today. I'm using that one.
National security? Your lust for gold blinds you to its weight on your back.
The gateway pundit? Remember what I said about posting respected reliable journalists articles not partisan drivel?
Here we go with the yellowcake uranium again?!?!?
Even your hero blew that one.
What do you think was going through his head when he read his statement?
"I'm one of 30,000,000 conservatives trying to start an illegal war?"
"I'm one of 30,000,000 conservatives trying to start an illegal war?"
The Iraq war was started by 30 million conservatives?