Project Blue Book


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Anyone else watching this show on History Channel? It just got renewed for a second season. It started off a bit slow but is getting pretty interesting. Somewhat like The X-Files set in the 1950s.
I've admittedly been curious to give it a shot because I'm a sucker for alien conspiracies and stories (perhaps not on the same level as Vito's Bigfoot fascination, but close). How much of it would you say is a "dramatic reenactment" vs. "well, it's based on a case in 1952, but we're going to invoke some creative privilege to make it more Ancient Aliensy?"
I would say that they started with Dr Hynek being skeptical and are showing evidence that they might be real so he is starting maybe to lean that direction

They also get into the us govt doing mind control and the like on service men that are ufo witnesses Not sure that part had any basis in reality.

Also has the take that the govt knows that are real but are trying to not let that knowledge get out.

Then there is the Russia spies mixed up in all of this......
The basic facts of the sightings are supposed to be based on actual cases. The overarching conspiracies are entirely fictional a la X-Files. They give a brief summary of the real case that the episode is based on at the very end.
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